19th Chapter

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They were both looking at me, expecting some answers, but I couldn't talk. I was still in shock. I was still shaking like a poodle and trying to breathe normally which was not an easy task at this moment.

"Hey calm down, we're here for you. Take your time okay?" Caleb said with a warm smile that made me calm down a bit. He placed his hand on my knee and gave it a little squeeze.

After a few minutes I was finally able to catch my breath and hopefully speak like a normal person. "My dad... He uhm... He got really mad, because of me." I gulped at the memories. "I forgot that today was Thursday and didn't go home right after school like I should have. So he got really mad and hurt my mom."

I started crying again at the thought of my mom lying down on her own puddle of blood. I hope the police got there in time to help her. "She was lying there. There was so much blood, but she was still talking. I went to her room, because I forgot my phone in the car, so I got hers and dialed 911. But then my dad showed up and he was really really mad. He started h-hitting me. I-I fell d-down the stairs. I managed to e-escape, but I-I'm s-scared." I tried to say between sobs.

I let my head fall in my hands. I was so embarrassed for coming to Caleb's, but relieved at the same time. I was so worried about my mom and scared that my dad knew where I was and tried to kill me, because I told Charlie and Caleb everything. He said he would.

What am I going to do now? I can't go home. I have no where to go. A pair of arms caught me of guard and I let go off a small gasp. One of the arms went below my legs and the other behind my back. Then I was lifted from the couch and stayed on Charlie's arms. He was looking at me so intensely that was almost overwhelming.

"You need to rest." He said in a demanding voice.

"Wait! I need to tell Sammy that I'm okay. I left her at the hospital without explaining-"

"Sammy's in the hospital?!" I was cut off by Caleb and that's when I realized what I had said. Sammy is so going to kill me for telling Caleb. But I didn't meant it!

I opened and closed my mouth more times than I could count. I was trying to come up with a good excuse as to why I had said Sammy was at the hospital. But my mind was blank.

"Amanda. What the hell is going on?" Caleb was pissed, I could tell. But 90% of that anger was concern. I knew he loved her. Sammy was the only one stubborn enough not to see it.

"It really isn't my place to tell you. All I can say is that she is in the hospital. If she wants to tell you, she will." I said still in Charlie's arms, not that I was complaining. He was calming me down with his touch.

Caleb turned around and headed to his door, picking up his jacket from a chair near by in the process. "I'm going to see Sammy, I'll tell her that you're okay." He flashed me a quick smile before opening the door and leave.

Now it was just Charlie and I. Alone. In Caleb's apartment. I looked up to face him and he was already looking at me. His eyes were filled with so much concern.

"I'm going to take care of you." He whispered. I couldn't find the strength to respond and at that moment I was glad that he was holding me in his arms, otherwise I was positive that my knees would cave in.

But when he took his first step a wave of pain filled my body. My body was extremely sore and I still had open wounds. In other words, I looked terrible and felt even worst.

"I'm so sorry, but I need to take you to my car." He said.

"What? Why?" I was definitely not following his line of thought at the moment.

"Caleb doesn't have the materials needed to clean your wounds. He only has band-aids and that's not enough. I need to take you to my house so that I can treat you properly. Hold on, okay?" He said with a smile.

His smile calmed me down and I now knew that everything would be okay. I nodded and he started to walk towards the front door. With every step he took I flinched in pain. I could see that that was consuming him, but he knew that he needed to take me to his house.

He gently placed me in the passengers seat and I put the seatbelt on. He quickly stepped inside the car and drove for a good ten minutes until he stopped in front of a house. I assume is his.

It wasn't gigantic, but it was definitely not small. It was a big house, but then again he didn't have money problems. I opened the door and stepped out of the car, immediately regretting my decision when my feet touched the ground. I held on the car's door as if my life depended on it.

"Hold on." Charlie said before picking me up bridal style.

"I can walk you know?" I said stubbornly.

He chuckled. "Sure you can." He placed me gently on the floor when he were close enough to the door, but kept one arm tightly around my waist so I wouldn't fall. He unlocked the door and he walked inside.

It was even bigger than I thought it would be. A living room on the side, a kitchen on the back, stairs that led to an upper floor and a lot of other doors that were closed.

He led me to the living room and I sat on his couch. "Wait here." He said before going somewhere.

Soon after, he came back with a big white box. He opened it in front of me and all I could see was medical supplies. I took a very deep breath. Many people don't know this, but I'm terrified of that kind of stuff. Just the thought of cleaning my wounds scared me to death.

He took a bottle and a towel out of the box and I immediately looked away. If I was going to suffer, I sure as hell didn't want to see it. He chuckled and took my hurt hand.

Just like I thought, it hurt like a bitch. I flinched every time that towel touched my skin, letting go of a scream from time to time. After a few more minutes of that torture I felt his hand on my cheek, making me turn my head to face him.

"I just need to clean a cut on your forehead and then you're done." Every muscle in my body was screaming for me to say no, but I didn't want to sound weak. I nodded, cursing my ego inside.

He placed the towel on my forehead and I closed my eyes tightly due to the pain. He gulped and when I opened my eyes he was just a few inches away from me.

I hadn't been this closed to Charlie for a long time now, but for some reason it felt right. It felt like we were supposed to stay this close to each other. And by the look on his face I knew that he was thinking the same that I was.

"I'm so sorry, Amanda." He whispered. His voice was filled of guilt and I didn't know why.


"For what I said the other day. For not protecting you." He lowered his head and my heart clenched at the sight. I had never seen him like this. He's usually so confident and now he was just vulnerable.

I placed a finger under his chin and he looked up at me. "You didn't know this was going to happen. No one knew. And as for what you said the other day, yeah you were pretty stupid."

He both laugh at my words and the tension in the air was gone. His hand made its way to my cheek and his thumb caressed my skin smoothly, sending sparks all over my body.

"I will never let anyone hurt you again." He whispered.

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