Too Hot To Handle - Prussia x Reader

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Too Hot To Handle - Prussia x Reader


"Julchen! Julchennn!" The white haired girl squirmed in the bed as her name was being called. "Julchennn. We gotta go to school! .... ugh, this is why I don't like it when you stay over on school nights." (Y/n) sighs as she moves over to Julchen, shaking her.

"Wake up. We have school." Julchen groaned, got up, grabbed (y/n), and pinned her against the bed. "Why go to school when you have sexy me in your bed?" Julchen smirked. She began to plant kisses of the (h/c) haired girl's neck. "D-don't..."

Julchen went on, her hand trailing up the (y/n)'s stomach. "G-get off of me!" (Y/n) said loudly and pushed Julchen off her. Julchen gave her a surprised look, but it quickly turned into a somewhat hurt expression.

"I-I'm sorry, Julchen!" (Y/n) tried to help Julchen up, get she refused the help. She opened (y/n)'s window and leaped out. (Y/n) sighed, "I'm so stupid."


(Y/n) was at lunch, trying to find Julchen. She looked straight and saw Natalia, aka Belarus. They both made slow steps to eachother as they showed no sign of expression. Both of them opened their mouths.

"Have you seen Julchen?"

"Have you seen Big Brother?"



Both shoulder to shoulder, they smiled and walked in opposite directions. (Y/n) walked up to the roof top. She found Julchen leaning against a rail. Julchen turned around, not making eye contact.

"Julchen~ I'm sorry." (Y/n) leaned her body onto the white haired girl's. She wrapped her arms around Julchen and looked up at her. "It's just that... you were kissing me so early in the morning.. I was getting a bit turned on, But I pushed you off because I couldn't take it. Your just too hot to handle." (Y/n) said in a seductive tone.

Julchen's face turned into a shade of red. She removed (y/n)'s arms from her and began to walk away, but stopped. "I..I forgive you,(Y/n) I should've known that the awesome me is too much." Julchen said in somewhat shaky voice.

"Julchen, what's wrong? You sound weird... did I happen to... burst a bubble? Somewhere deep down~?" Julchen said nothing but hurried off and went to lunch. (Y/n) just smiled to herself.

"She's adorable sometimes."

Anime: Hetalia

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