Comfort - Rei Miyamoto x Reader (Requested)

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Comfort - Rei Miyamoto x Reader (Requested)


I was sitting down with Rei on the couch. She kept going on and on about Takashi and Hisashi. She eventually ended up crying,

"I-I.. j-just..." I patted her head, "Yeah yeah." She looked at me in confusion, "(y-y/n)-chan... aren't you going to hug me and tell me everything's alright?"

I sighed and removed my hand from her head. "No, I'm sick of it already. Can't you just move on?" Rei quickly got mad and wiped her own tears away.

"If Hisashi was here, he would comfort me no matter what!" My blood was boiling, I'm sick of hearing "Hisashi Takashi Hisashi Takashi" Who wouldn't get mad if the one they loved kept going on and on about two boys?!

I gritted my teeth, "Can you just shut up?! I'm sick of hearing about those two guys! How do you think I feel?! How would you feel if the one you loved, kept talking about boys!?" I quickly covered by mouth after I basically confessed.

Rei put her hand on my cheek and smiled, "(y/n)-chan, you love me? Are you lying to me..?" Her eyes were full of sadness and loneliness.

I averted my eyes, I could feel my cheeks heating up. "...N-No, I'm not lying.." Rei smiled and quickly pressed her soft lips onto mine, my eyes widened.

After a few seconds, she pulled away. "I love you too!" She smiled brightly, as if all her problems went away.

I quickly put my wall up, "Then why do you always talk about Hisashi and Takashi? Hm?" She giggled and hugged me, "Because that's the only time I thought you would comfort and hug me alot..." I sighed.

"Well, now you can get hugs from me whenever." She released me from the embrace, only to pin me down on the couch.

"(Y/n)-chan~...what about kisses? Hmm~?" She breathed out with a lustful look in her eyes. Rei leaned down close to my face.

"G-Get away from me, Rei! ..You're way too sexy right now!"

"You're so kind, hehe~"


A/N: Well, I finally finished it! I hope you liked it :3! If there's any grammar mistakes, I'll get to it later.

Note to who requested this: Sorry if Rei is a bit out of character (OOC), I haven't watched H.O.T.D. in a while :P.

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