When There's Bad, There's Good - Yuno Gasai x Reader

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When There's Bad, There's Good - Yuno Gasai x Reader

I was running as fast as I could, but no matter how hard I tried, she was still tailing behind me. I couldn't hide, she'd find me. I couldn't run away, she'd catch me. Eventually I stopped running and turned to face her. "Finally you stopped running, (Y/n)-chan!" She smiled a crazed smile as she put away her butcher knife.

"W-what the heck do you want, Yuno?" I said sharply as I glared at her. She sighed, "I want you to love me...like old times." She smiled cheerfully. I huffed, remembering our past relationship.

She'd always have me tied up, I just thought she was kinky and liked to tie stuff up, but things worsened. I remember talking to a classmate, they accidentally got pushed and fell on top of me. The next day, she was reported missing and I found her dead body in Yuno's house.

I don't know why but, I still have a soft spot for her. It's not like she's a bad person... she's just crazy a little bit. I stood there and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry Yuno, but you're way too out of control. You're sort of well... crazy."

Yuno smiled widely, "I know! I'm crazy for you~" I sighed and put my hand on my head. "I'm sorry. But I can't date you for the fourth time." She just stared at me blankly as her eyes started to water. Oh no.

"Why? Why does everyone leave me? The ones I care for the most are the ones who don't care about me..." Tears were falling from her adorable pink eyes as she sniffled.

"I-I loved Father and Mother... but they treated me like crap! Mom put me in a cage! And Dad was at work! He didn't care... so I had to get r-rid of them!" She sobbed.

My heart dropped, I still had feelings for her, seeing her cry broke me. "And I-I love you! I love you so much! I don't want to lose y-you! I want to be with you forever and ever. I'm sorry if I'm a psycho bitch who kills whoever I think is a threat to our love!"

That was it, I rushed to hug her. "I...I love you too, I'm sorry... I didn't understand you at all until now..I'm so sorry, Yuno." I kissed her forehead and let her cry on me.

(Time Skip)

After awhile she calmed down. "(Y/n)-chan, I-I'm gonna try to be a better girlfriend for you!" Yuno smiled cutely and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed slightly due to what she said and did.

"O-okay.." I smiled at her as she hugged me again. "I love you, (y/n)-chan~"

"I love you too, crazy or not, I'll always love you.. forever."

A/N: Yay! Two one-shots in one day due to my boredom! Hope you liked it~ :3
P.S. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, if there is, I'll get to it later.

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