Ditching Class - Mayu (OC) x Reader

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Ditching Class - Mayu (OC) x Reader


"Sooo, which class do we have next, y/n?" Mayu asked, looking over at the other girl with a bored expression. "English, you idiot." y/n sighed, looking at Mayu with a annoyed look.

"Whoaa! what's up with the name calling, princess?" y/n looked away with a light blush on her cheeks due to the nickname, "Don't I always call you names?"

Mayu paused for a second.

"Oh, yeah." She scratched her cheek and blinked. "Well, anyways. Let's ditch that boring class. We can easily get the make up work tomorrow." y/n only sighed as Mayu nudged her with her elbow.

"Ugh. Whatever. How are we even going to ditch?"

The brown haired girl smirked and crossed her arms, "There's this one gate that's unlocked by the gym."

(Time Skip)

Both walked silently, they were heading to an Asian store because Mayu was in the mood for Black Milk Tea.

"Hey, y/n?" Mayu asked, making the other girl hum in response.

"You still haven't gave me a proper answer..."

(Your P.O.V.)

Great...she's bringing it up again. I hate it when she brings this up! Ever since she told me she liked me 2 weeks ago...it made me feel even more nervous around her. I've never felt like this before...and it's confusing me. No one ever made my heart beat like she does...


"Do you like me? Or not....? I'm actually dying to know..."

How dare she interrupt me, that maggot! But she looked so cute...all nervous to know. She always has this bored look, it's really nice to see her showing her emotions.

Mayu suddenly grabbed onto both of my hands, holding them. Her cheeks were lightly pink.

I gulped and began to speak, feeling my face and ears heat up. "I-I think...I do..I mean...you're the only person who's ever made me experience this feeling..."

Her expression lit up but she calmed herself down.

"I...can help you. If you want to know if you like me for sure..."

She let go of one of my hands to tilt my chin up, leaning in a little.

"Can I?"

I slowly nodded, gazing into light brown orbs that had a beautiful red-orange tint to them.

She smiled and closed her eyes, softly pressing her soft lips against mine.

I felt my cheeks heat up more and felt this strange feeling in my chest...I must like really like her. I closed my eyes while kissing back. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her neck and deepened the kiss, making her a bit surprised. I felt her smile into the kiss before she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

(Mayu's P.O.V)

After I pulled her closer, I bit her lip and moved my hands lower, squeezing her ass. My actions made her moan softly, giving me the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth, slowly rubbing it against hers. Making her shiver.

(3 Minutes Later, Your P.O.V)

Mayu broke the kiss, causing a thin string of saliva to connect our tongues...which broke seconds later.

She panted softly, her cheeks brightly pink.

I wiped my mouth, feeling utterly embarrassed because of what just happened. It was my first kiss after all...

"W-Well did that help at all...?"

I slowly nodded and shyly covered my face with my hands which made her "Aww~" and hug me tightly.


A/N: I have nothing to say. Except for:

It's like 4 am. If there's any errors, I'll fix it when I can. Love ya~!

P.S. Making out on the sidewalk?

Because savage.

Also! I apologize this update didn't involve an anime character.

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