I'm Sorry - Luka Megurine x Reader

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I'm Sorry - Luka Megurine x Reader


"I-I know we've been going out for a while but...." Her voice sounded shaky, she was trembling a bit but I didn't say anything.. I was trembling too.

"....But what?" I asked, I didn't want to know.. I was afraid. I was afraid of what she would say. She breathed in, "We should just be friends..."  As soon as I heard those words, I broke down.

I was crying badly. "..W-why?" I questioned her as I let my tears fall down my face. Her eyes began to water. "This r-relationship isn't going anywhere.... I liked it better when we were bestfriends..and I-I know you think the same way.."

She was right. When we started to date, it was fun. But, it was the same as being friends, besides the kissing and lovey-dovey stuff. But, now....it was boring. We both would just hold hands normally, and kiss normally. It didn't have that spark that it used to have.

"T-that's true.. b-but.. I love you!" I clenched part of my shirt. She smiled, which caused her tears to finally fall. "I love you too, (y/n)... but I know if we continue this relationship... it'll hurt the both of us in the future..." She walked over to me and hugged me.

I hugged her back. "I-It's the best thing to do... I know that..but.." She interrupted me by releasing me from the hug. "I-I'm sorry.." She started to walk away but I rushed and held onto her.

"Please... please.. don't leave!" I begged her, and held onto her tighter. I didn't want to let go, ever. She got out of my grip and ran off.

That was two years ago. The last words I heard from her was "I'm sorry." Till this day, I haven't even bothered to look at, or even date anyone else. I won't.

But it's not the same for her, I seen her with multiple people. I seen her with a girl that had long twin tails, I seen her with a purple haired guy, and I even seen her with a younger looking blonde boy.

It hurt me to see her with other people, little did I know... it hurt her too.

A/N: Well, that was the first time I wrote something with a "sad" ending. I hope you enjoyed the sadness xD. Sorry for any grammar mistakes! :3

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