Spoiled - Tsundere! Hatsune Miku x Reader

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Spoiled - Tsundere! Hatsune Miku x Reader

"(Y/n)-chaaaaaaaaaan!" A teal flash was all the (h/c) haired girl could see before getting jumped on. She rubbed her head in pain, "What the fu-..Oh.. Hi, sweetie." (Y/n) smiled at her girlfriend. Miku glared at her harshly, making the other girl cringe. "Don't you 'hi sweetie' me, you ... um.. cheater!" Miku spat.

(Y/n) stood up from the floor and gave the leek lover a confused look. "Cheater? What are you going on about?" (Y/n) spoke in a normal tone as she dusted herself off. "Don't you play dumb with me! I saw you earlier with Rin!" Miku crossed her arms and death glared the girl.

"Yeah I was with Rin. But I was just talking to her." (Y/n) tried to go pat Miku's head but she smacked her hand away. "Don't touch me! I saw you pat Rin's head! Don't you dare try the same crap with me!" Miku's eyes began to water as she spoke in a loud but shaky voice.

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around her lover. "Miku..." She spoke quietly as she lifted Miku's chin up. She softly kissed the other girl on the lips for a while, but pulled away. "I'm sorry, okay? I should've known this would happen again. I won't talk to any other girl but you." (Y/n) rubbed Miku's cheek.

"Y-You better!" Miku said wiping her eyes. She smiled and snuggled into (y/n)'s embrace. (Y/n) blushed. She loved it when Miku would go from rude to a total sweetheart. "(Y/n)-chan~"

(Your P.O.V.)

"What is it, love?" I asked before kissing her forehead. "I love you, but I...I didn't fall in love with you because I wanted to! I-It just happened! So don't feel special or anything, idiot!"

I smiled and caressed her cheek, "Yes, Yes. I know. Also, I love you too, my spoiled princess." She blushed furiously and released herself from me. I swear, my heart wanted to leap out of my chest, she's just so adorable. "S-Since I'm spoiled, I demand another kiss!"

I smiled happily and did as she told me. She deepened the kiss by wrapping her arms around my neck. I accidentally moved too much and caused me to fall on top of her, my knee between her legs. "I-I'm sorry! I should've paid more attention!"

I opened my eyes to see her eyes clouded with lust and her cheeks red. "It's okay, just be more gentle."

That was it, I died from a nosebleed.

Series: Vocaloid

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