Unstoppable - Hatsune Miku x Reader

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Unstoppable - Hatsune Miku x Reader


I love summer, because every summer vacation, I visit my childhood friend / crush... Hatsune Miku. Japan's most loved idol. Well, that is.. competing with other beauties, such as IA, Megurine Luka, and Gumi.

Anyways, that's besides the point-

"(Y/n)-chaaaan~" I heard footsteps walking at a fast pace, scratch that...running behind me. I turned around only to be tackled onto the floor by...

"Hey, (y/n)-chan!"

Oh. Hatsune Miku.

I sat up a little and rubbed the back of my head, due to minor pain. "Hehe, hi Miku-" She immediately put her hands on my mouth, "Shh! People are gonna-"





I quickly stood up and grabbed Miku's hand to run away from the growing crowd.

"Geez, (y/n)...this always happens every summer when you get here!" Miku pouted slightly.

I giggled at her cute expression, "No time for talking, we've got a bunch of obsessed fans and camera flashes behind us!" I said.

This caused Miku to look behind, "Eep!"

(Time Skip)

"Here you go." I handed her a canned iced tea from the vending machine as I sat down on the bench next to her.

"Thanks!" she right away opened it and started to drink it. I laughed and opened my (favorite drink), drinking it quickly due to the running.

"Hey, (y/n)-chan..." Miku spoke. I looked at her, "Hm?"

"Why don't you move back here...to Japan?"

I sighed, she always asks this question...

"Because, you already know I feel better back in the states. Growing up here in Japan, was nice and everything. But, I feel more at home over there."

"That's your answer everytime...you don't know how much I miss you...seeing you only during summer is not enough!" She frowned, looking at the ground.

I frowned along with her, "Mikuuuu..." I pulled her close, hugging her tightly.

"(Y/n)... I'm sorry."

I looked at her a bit confused, "For what?"

Miku breathed in and out. I wonder what's up with her...

"I-I've liked you since we were kids. I-I never saw you as a friend...I've always...even now... seen you as a person I'm...a-a person I'm in love with.."

My eyes widened, I could feel my heart wanting to burst out of my chest...Miku loves me? Childhood friend, super popular, beautiful, idol, Hatsune Miku loves ME?! A GIRL?! WE'RE BOTH GIRLS! I mean... I love her, because I like girls. But, she loves me back?! I thought she would go for stars like Shion Kaito, Kamui Gakupo, or cute Kagamine Len...

Tears began to fall from her beautiful teal eyes as she sniffled, "I-It's o-okay if you don't like back...I-I mean...I'm sure you're into girls like L-Luka-san-"

"I love you too."

Miku blushed brightly, looking at me, surprised. "W-What did you just say?"

I smiled at her, "I love you too, Hatsune Miku."

This only made more tears to stream down her cheeks, "Miku, don't cry..."

She smiled, "These are happy tears..hehe.."

I wiped her tears and pressed my forehead against hers, making her cheeks turn bright pink.

"(Y-Y/n)-chan...c-can you...?"



I smiled softly and felt my cheeks heat up, "O-Of course.."

Miku blushed even more, and closed her eyes. I did the same leaned in, but before I could kiss her, we both heard a camera, as if someone took a picture.

We immediately opened our eyes, looking towards the direction we heard the sound, and saw the paparazzi, with reporters.





(SCANDAL!.....I've been...... watching...too....much..............K-Dramas...c'x)

Miku froze up, "W-What does.... b-being female....h-have to do with..."

I was in shock, who knows what this could do to Miku's career.

Miku and I looked at eachother, and looked back to the flashing cameras.

"Miku, let's get out of here..." I said softly, looking at her while placing my hand on her shoulder.

"N-No.." Her voice trembled a bit as she tried to be strong and calm.

I looked at her, extremely surprised, "W-What?"

"I said no!" She stood up and walked towards the crowd of reporters and such.

She grabbed a microphone that one of them were holding up to her face.

"Yes, so what? I'm dating (y/n), my childhood friend! Gender shouldn't have to hold back love! And if any of you have a problem with it, don't support me. I don't care, but I know...I have true, loyal fans and friends who will accept this. And I greatly thank them for that."

Miku dropped the microphone and walked back to me, smiling.

"Now we can go~!"


A/N: I'm SUPER DUPER sorry for not writing one-shots in a WHILE. But I will try to update like I used to! I hope I'm still loved T~T. Oh yeah, if there's any mistakes, I'll be sure to correct them later...as always!

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