Tapioca - 96Neko x Reader (Requested)

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Tapioca - 96Neko x Reader (Requested)


"Kuro-chan~ Please go out with me~! I absolutely love you!" I clung onto Kuroneko, making her left eye twitch. "(Y/n), please leave me alone. I only have eyes for Len-kun." She sighed, releasing her arm from my grasp.

I pouted, "Kuro-chan...Len already likes Miku!" I grabbed both of her hands, making her look into my eyes. She blushed and averted her eyes. "I-I don't care..." She replied, not looking at me.

"Can you just please go on a little, mini, tiny date with me?" I turned her face, so she could look at me with her pretty red eyes. She sighed for the second time, still blushing...for what reason? I don't know, sick maybe?

"(Y-Y/n)... I don't know." Kuroneko scratched her cheek. I took a deep breath, "Please~? We could go to the Tapioca Cafe~" I asked, looking directly at her with puppy eyes as I put my hands behind my back.

Her expression changed slightly, "Fine. But, I'm only going because I have nothing else to do...and because of tapioca." She smiled at me slightly, making my heart flutter. I immediately glomped her, "Thank you, Kuro-chaaan~!" I smiled cheerfully.

(Time Skip)

"Black Milk Tea with Tapioca and a slice of Strawberry Shortcake. Thanks." Kuroneko said bluntly to waitress. The waitress, who's name is Erika, quickly wrote down Kuro's order. She turned to me, and her eyes widened as she gasped.

"(Full Name)! Is that you?!" She squealed dropping the little notepad of orders on the table. I right away smiled, she must be one of my YouTube subscribers.

"Hi! Yes, it's me~" I smiled genuinely at her. She put her hands on my face, touching my cheeks. "(Y/n), I'm in love with you! You don't know how many photos I have of you on my wall!" Kuro's eyes twitched at what Erika had said.

She quickly removed her hands. I scratched my cheek, "U-Um.. that's nice!" I said to her awkwardly. The manager of the cafe glared at Erika.

"W-Well.. I should get back to work. So, what would you like to order?" She winked, I notice Kuro quietly sigh. "Oh. The same as what she ordered." I pointed at Kuro, "Got it~"

Erika began to pick up the menus, but when she reached over for the one by me, she slipped and fell on me. "Oopsie~ hehe~" She leaned in close to my face, looking at me with a flirty expression.

Kuro gritted her teeth, "I've had enough!" She stood up and pulled Erika off of me. I looked at her with slightly wide eyes, "Kuro, what's wrong...?" I asked her.

"I'm sick of watching someone who is hitting on what is rightfully mine!" She yelled, grabbing me by hand, pulling me out of the cafe. What?! Kuro just said I was HERS!

"K-Kuro-chan... do you by any chance... like me?" She let go of my hand and turned around. "Yeah, I do. But I was too afraid to tell you.."

She grabbed my hips and pulled me close to her. My face turned crimson because of how close she was. "K-Kuro... we should go back to the cafe... y-your precious tapioca is waiting." I averted my eyes from her gaze as she smiled.

"Forget tapioca, I have you." Kuro crashed her lips onto mine, although it was quick.. it was gentle and full of love.

I stood there in shock, but shook my head and kissed her back, with the same amount of emotion. I didn't notice how long we were kissing until we involuntarily pulled away for air, panting.

"Kuro~ that was sure a change in attitude~ ehehe." She blushed and crossed her arms.

"You talk too much! Do I have to kiss you until you pass out?!"

"Go for it~ I wouldn't mind."


A/N: Yay~! I haven't written a one-shot in quite some time. Feels great. Hope you all liked it :3!! Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, if there are, I'll get to it later~ :)

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