Author's Final Note

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August 8th, 2020.

Dear reader,

Thank you so much for reading this book of one shots! This account was made in January of 2015 and that's when I also started to write fanfics and OC.

Throughout the past 3-4 years, I have been on and off of Wattpad without an update, except for a post I made on my account when my depression started to worsen. For those wondering where I've went or been or if I'm going to continue this, this is for you.

To start off, there will be no more one shots. Why? It has been five years and I have grown out of writing. I started when I was 13 going on 14 and I am now 19 (2001 baby)

I am sorry to those who want more, but I guarantee you, there are others who have similar books like this, who most likely have better writing skills! I appreciate you enjoying this and it makes me happy that you did.

To continue on to the next thing I want to address, I stopped writing because of my depression in 2016/17, originally. I was incredibly s*icidal and I would cry almost everyday. It's a bit crazy to think about that time in my life- but rest assured, I'm no longer s*icidal.

I'm still depressed, but it isn't something that bothers me on the daily, like a couple of years back. The only thing I struggle with is a lack of motivation & having social anxiety, mostly. Things have been getting better, despite the slow pace!

Lastly, I want to tell you all what I'm doing now. What have I moved on to? Well, in 2017, I started to make edits/amvs on Instagram! I used to edit everyday but nowadays, I post once a month most of the time. I'm not really doing anything interesting or big except for trying to enjoy life as best as I can.

I think that's all I wanted to say, pretty much. If you made it this far, thank you. I hope all of you live a wonderful life. Enjoy your youth as best as you can, if you're a teen.

The years go by so quickly. One day, you're a cringy 14 year old, and the next, you're 19, and wondering where the years have went.

With love,

Btw, if you were wondering what my Instagram is, it's sinlord hehe

Message me on there, if you want to know more about me or just chat!

Message me on there, if you want to know more about me or just chat!

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