I'm Sorry (Part 2) - Luka Megurine x Reader

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I'm Sorry (Part 2) - Luka Megurine x reader
(x Gumi...?)

It was Valentine's Day. A day I didn't really care much about for the past year. I figured I should go out and do something instead of being the lazy and depressed sack of poo I am. So, I decided to take a girl named Gumi on a small date, she's been bugging me ever since I got dumped by..Luka. Geez, just thinking of her makes my heart ache.

"Hi, y/n~" I heard Gumi say from behind, causing me to turn around, looking at her outfit as she gave me a small smile and a wave.

"Oh. Hello. You look nice." I smiled slightly and began to walk towards a cafe that had a nice Valentine's theme. Gumi followed behind and let out a sigh, probably because of how I just started to walk away without telling her.

Oh well.

We both sat down at a table and gave the cute waitress our orders. Gumi and I talked and tried different kinds of desserts for about an hour and a half before leaving.

"y/n?" She spoke softly as we walked around in the park. "Hmm?"

"You...don't have to force yourself you know..I know you don't like me. You don't seem to be over her yet."

I looked at her from the corner of my eye, my expression remaining stoic. She was right. I'm not over Luka.

It's not my fault.

Everytime I see her when she's with that purple haired guy with long hair, she gives me this look...as if saying "Please. Come and steal me away from this evil man."

"y/n...?" Gumi snapped me out of my thoughts and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for mentioning her." She looked down after speaking.

I quickly shook my head, "It's fine, don't worry about it. Come on, let's not make everything all gloomy now, love." I said as she looked at me, causing me to wink playfully. She let out a giggle and I smiled, starting to walk again with her.

My smile faded as soon as she couldn't see my face from her view.

I really miss Luka.

As we walked, I saw a couple coming our way. I was going to step aside to give them space to walk in the path but Gumi tripped, causing me to bump into the girl.

"I'm sorry, she tripped and-"


Why the hell did I have to run into them.

It was that guy and Luka.


Her voice. I missed that voice. Hearing it just made me want to cry. I felt like crying. I felt happy. But more hurt.

I quickly began to walk away with Gumi following while looking at Luka and back at me, with a look of worry on her face.


I felt Luka grab my wrist, making me turn around.

"I'm sick of us running away from each other...I want to be with you, y/n! I know, I broke things off but I was stupid! I was completely stupid! Please y/n...you don't know how empty I felt without you...just...just-"

I shut her up by kissing her lips deeply, I missed them. Hell, I missed everything that had to do with her. The guy she was with gave us a hurt look and Gumi looked away with the same expression.

I broke the kiss and hugged her tightly. She began to sob as I rubbed her back, saying "it's okay." numerous of times.

For the first time in two years, I finally felt the hole in my chest fill...

Hey! Extremely sorry for not updating, a lot has been going on and I don't really have much time nowadays. I know, I'm a day late with the Valentine's Day theme but better late than never ( ' ▽ ' ). If there's any mistakes, let me know and I will fix it whenever. Love ya~♡

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