Pizza - Delivery Girl! Chica x Reader

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Pizza - Delivery Girl! Chica x Reader


As soon as the door bell rang, I skipped to the door. Before opening it, I fixed my hair and straightened out my clothes.

"Oh, why hello Chica!" I smiled and waved. "Hi (y/n)-chan!" She grinned. God, she's cute. "One large Fazbear pizza and a 2 liter 7 Up, right?" Chica asked.

I nodded quickly, "That'll be $33." I handed her the money and she handed over the pizza and soda.

I put the food down and went back to the door. When I got there, Chica pushed me back inside and roughly kissed me on the lips.

I smirked and kissed back with the same amount of power, we continued our little war over who's the dominant one until we both pulled back, breathless.

I wiped my mouth while blushing as she licked her lips and smiled oddly.

"Wow, that was more intense than usual..." Her eyes darkened, "I'm just reminding you that you're mine and no one else is going to change that, especially not one of my co-workers..." She spoke in a serious tone as she put her hand on mine.

She must've been referring to last Friday when I last ordered pizza, Mangle was the one who delivered it.

I giggled, leaned over, and kissed her cheek, "You're the only one I like. I don't like that Mangle girl at all."

Her expression quickly changed to her normal innocent one as she smiled and glomped me, "I knew you'd say that, my darling!" I smiled and hugged the blonde back.

"And make sure you clean the house before I come back home! Look at the mess you made."

"Alright, alright.."

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