Tiger's Unexpected Love - Aisaka Taiga x Reader

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Tiger's Unexpected Love - Aisaka Taiga x Reader


(Your P.O.V.)

I was on my way to my apartment from school. Yes, the same apartment building as the school's adorable yet feisty Aisaka Taiga, also known as Palmtop Tiger, not to mention... my crush.

I was walking past the run down tiny apartment next to mine until I heard her voice.

(3rd Person P.O.V.)

Taiga's face blushed so brightly as she struggled to find words. "R-Ryuji, I.. I don't like Kitamura anymore!" Taiga exclaimed. (Y/n)'s heart dropped, "Is she going to confess to Ryuji instead of Kitamura? Would he accept it?" (Y/n) thought as she clenched her chest.

Ryuji blushed and gave Taiga a shocked look. "What do you mean you don't like him anymore?" He asked plainly. Taiga sighed, "I.. like someone else!" She replied. He blushed thinking it was him, "Wh-who do you like?" Taiga blushed even more as she moved closer to Ryuji.

"I-I.... I like.... like... (L/N) (F/N)!" She yelled out to Ryuji. He stood there in complete utter shock. "(Y/n)-san?" Taiga nodded. "The one in our class?" She nodded again. "A... girl?" She nodded rapidly.

(Your P.O.V.)

What?! Taiga likes me?! ME?! That's an absolute shocking miracle! I need to go home and sleep so I could go to school already! I skip happily like a kouhai who just got noticed by senpai.

(Next Day)

It was lunchtime and I was going to eat lunch with Ryuji, Taiga, and Minorin like usual. As soon as I made my way over to where my friends were SUPPOSED TO BE, I only saw Taiga.. Hehe, my lucky day! Lunch alone with the tiger.

I walked over and sat down across from her. "Hey, Tiger~" She blushed slightly, probably due to the nickname. "H-Hi, (Y/n)-baka." She said as she took out two lunch boxes from her school bag. "Two? Is one for Ryuji-san?" She shook her and slid one over to me.

"Huh? For me? Thanks!" I smiled at her as she blushed furiously. I opened the box to see ketchup on top of the food that neatly spelled out three words, 'I love you'

"It's not like I wanted to do this! Ryuji suggested I do it this way!"

I stood up and hugged her warmly.

"I love you too."


Taiga blushed as I put Tiger ears on her.

"Okay. Now say 'Rawr' to me~!"

Taiga pouted, "Why do I have to?!"

I tried to pull off a puppy face, "Please? Do it for me?"

She let out a sigh, "F-Fine."

She blushed as red as a tomato, "R-R.... R-rawr~.."


A/N: I hoped you liked it! Sorry for any grammar mistakes. See ya later~ :3

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