I Don't Regret It - Yuki Cross / Kuran x Reader

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I Don't Regret It - Yuki Cross / Kuran x Reader


I'm not just another normal human. I'm a human who knows the existence of vampires. How? Because I found out that my friend was one.

Yuki Cross, she was a great friend.

She was so nice, I eventually fell for her. Even when I found out she was a blood sucking monster in human clothing, I still loved her. I loved her so much, I let her suck my blood.

She told me she made a horrible mistake of letting her fangs sink into my neck, she told me I would become an uncontrollable beast. But I didn't care.

Yuki said that she'll protect me, and make sure I wouldn't lose my sanity.

But here I am, a level D... On the verge of becoming a level E.

"(Y/n)-chan! Don't do it!" Yuki yelled as I held onto a human classmate's neck. I couldn't take it, "Blood... I want to taste blood! Those artificial blood pills don't taste good! I want real blood!" I sank my fangs into the girl's neck.

She screamed in pain as I sucked the rich and delicious red liquid out of her body. Yuki's eyes began to water, "I-I.. I'm so sorry (y/n)-chan! It's my fault that you're like this!" I immediately let go of the human girl, letting her fall onto the ground, and walked over to Yuki.

"It's okay...I don't care if I get killed for drinking blood." I smiled, Yuki surprisingly hugged me. "I care! I don't want you to go away. I wanted to be with you until you died of old age! But stupid me...I just couldn't control myself! Drinking the blood.. of the person I love...it felt great!" Tears were falling from her red-brown eyes.

"Yuki... you l-love..me..?" I looked at her with a shocked expression. She sniffled, "I always have..." She looked down in shame. I smiled, lifted her head up, and wiped her tears, "Yuki, I love y-"

I was interupted because of a sudden pain in my chest. "(Y/n)-chan!" Yuki yelled as I fell to the ground. I touched my chest and looked at my hand. I was bleeding. I heard a low male voice,

"I'm sorry Yuki..she has to be exterminated. She's a beast with no sanity." That voice belonged to none other than Zero Kiryu.

Yuki's brows furrowed, "Z-Zero! You i-idiot! She's n-not a beast!" I weakly lifted my hand up to stroke Yuki's wet cheek.

She gave me a worried look and held onto my hand.

"(Y/n)-chan. I love you! Please don't die on me!" I smiled weakly, "Yuki, I-I love you too... but.. I'm afraid my t-time is almost up..." I coughed out blood, which caused her to cry more.

I slowly pulled her down and kissed her on the lips. She was shocked but kissed back lovingly before whispering "I love you".

That was my last memory of living.

A/N: I vant to suck your blood! Kidding. Well, I felt like doing a vampire one-shot of thought "Why not do a Yuki x Reader?" And here I am. Anyways, I hope you liked it! Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, if there are, I'll get to it later. Thanks for reading! :3 ❤

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