I Gau You - Lulu Yurigasaki x Reader

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I Gau You - Lulu Yurigasaki x Reader


The girl she loved cried in her arms over another. She cried and cried but nothing she said stopped the other girl's tears from falling. Only one person could stop those tears and it wasn't (Y/n), it was Ginko. But Ginko couldn't help her.

She abandoned Lulu for a human, Kureha. (Y/n) could confess to Lulu then and there but she thought Lulu wouldn't want to hear it. "Lulu..." The light-brown haired girl looked up, "W-what? Are you going to laugh? Laugh at how no one loves me?" Lulu sniffled and wiped her tears.

(Y/n) hugged her tighter, "No. I would never laugh at you." Lulu smiled slightly. After a few seconds (Y/n) sighed, "I love you." She said plainly. Lulu gave her a shocked expression as she softly said, "...Eh?" (Y/n) smiled with hurt eyes, "I love you, Lulu." Lulu began to cry even more after (Y/n) said that. "Lulu, my love is the real thing."

The (h/c) haired girl said seriously, putting her hand on the girl's cheek. Lulu smiled brightly with tears of joy, and hugged (Y/n) tightly. "Thank you... Thank you, (Y/n).." Both smiled happily as they held onto eachother.

After a minute Lulu spoke, "(Y/n)... I didn't love Ginko..." (Y/n) gave the other bear girl a confused look. "What do you mean?" She asked.

Lulu grabbed ahold of (Y/n)'s hand, "I was just so hurt, you know? ...I don't like being abandoned by someone close.. It's scary... after Ginko left my side for Kureha.. You were there. You were always there. I should've realized it sooner but.. I love you, (Y/n).."

Lulu looked into (e/c) eyes. (Y/n) smiled so wide it looked like she would break. Without a word, she leaned in close to Lulu's face and kissed her softly on the lips. Both smiled into the kiss and whispered three words to eachother.

"I love you."

A/N: I'm just going to publish this. Sorry if it sucked.. gau gau :3

Anime: Yuri Kuma Arashi

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