Yandere!Fem!Kaneki Ken x reader

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Yandere!Fem!Kaneki Ken x reader
-Halloween Special-

I love my girlfriend.

Kaneki is the sweetest girl.

She's super cute, a bit shy, and innocent..mostly.

Well, let's get to the story...

(Your P.O.V.)

The room was filled with loud music, the smell of alcohol, and the sound of people chatting, yelling, and all of that other stuff you'd hear at a college Halloween party.

"Hey, (y/n)! Over here!" I looked over and seen my girlfriend in a cute angel costume with a light blush on her cheeks due to her probably being shy because of me seeing her wearing this.

It made me smile.

"You look really cute, Kaneki-chan.." My words made her blush instantly and look away.

She's really is so cute...

"Y-You don't look so bad yourself..." She said, glancing at me. She was referring to my vampire costume.

I smirked and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her body against mine. "I look sexy as a vampire, huh~?" I mumbled into her ear, nibbling on it softly right after.

My actions made her blush even darker and she buried her face into my neck, nuzzling into it. "B-Babe, don't do that..you know my ears are sensitive."

I let out a small sigh and smiled a little, patting her back. "Sorry, you want something to drink?"

She pulled away from my neck and nodded, giving me a small smile. "That'd be nice.."

I smiled right back and kissed her cheek, walking off to the table with the bowl of punch and various Halloween treets on it.

Once I finished pouring our drinks, I felt a tap on the shoulder. My (e/c) eyes met firey red ones. It was a girl from my Art class. She was wearing a slutty devil costume.

"Well, you look hot." Her breath smelled like pure alcohol.

I scratched my cheek and muttered out a simple "thanks." before starting to walk off.

She grabbed my cape and pulled me back, turning me around.

I was always attracted to her before I started to date Kaneki. Seeing her dressed like this was pure eye candy...Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Hey, why are you acting all weird~? I thought you liked me~~" The drunk girl slurred, her brows furrowing a little as she pulled me closer to her.

I immediately froze up but squirmed a bit, "I have a girlfriend now. You always played hard to get and I don't like games."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down into a deep and sloppy kiss. She shoved her tongue into my mouth almost too soon and I dropped the drinks, trying to pry off her arms so that I could pull away. This escalated quickly...

Just when I almost got free, she suddenly got yanked away by her hair and she fell onto the floor. This made her let out a yelp and some people began to stare.

I saw my angel, standing there with tears in her empty looking eyes.

"Hey, you bitc-" Kaneki kicked the girl right in the face which made me flinch. I understand what she saw but she would never resort to violence...

But then again my baby has been a bit odd since she got surgery when she got into that accident...

"K-Kane-chan? I tried pushing her awa-" Kaneki interrupted me by grabbing me by the wrist, dragging me up the stairs that belonged to the house the party took place in.

She opened the door and pushed me inside.

"What the fuck was that?!" She looked me dead in the eyes, anger could be seen by looking at her facial expression even though she had that dull look in her eyes. I flinched.

"B-Baby...she kissed me and I kept trying to pull her arms off from around me.."

"LIES! YOU'RE FUCKING LYING TO ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" She pushed me against the wall and her medical eye patch came off, making me freeze in complete terror.

The scelera of her left (Your right) eye wasn't white, but black.

Her eye wasn't grey, but red.

And veins were vivid on her black scelera.

A ghoul eye.

My girlfriend has one ghoul eye.

I began to tear up.

Is this why she's been so different?

Is this why she's acting like this right now?

She didn't tell me anything.

Who knows what's been going on in her head all this time..

"K-K-Kaneki..your eye..." I choked out, tears of sorrow mixed with fear streaming down my cheeks.

She began to giggle creepily, grinning widely as she licked her lips.

"I'm a half ghoul, baby~ You look so cute...are you scared? Tell me you are! You're scared, aren't you?! Ahhh, it's turning me on..~ ❤!" She licked the tears that were falling from my eyes, giggling more.

I blushed lightly.

The hell...?

"Turned on...? But Kaneki-" I began, a bit shocked from her words.

She snickered, "I'm a human, well partly...I get aroused too, idiot! You get me so soaked...and I feel like eating your fucking heart out! Which is why I haven't had sex with you...I want you to take my virginity badly! But I'm weak...."

Tears began to fall from her normal eye and blood from the ghoul one. I frowned and gathered up the courage to wrap my arms around her tightly, holding my angel close. God, she's a mess....

"I can't even make love to the one I want to be with forever because I'm a half fucking monster! I'm a monster...I'm a monster...do you hate me? You're scared of me aren't you...? You're going to report me, right...?" She sobbed, looking into my eyes.

I furrowed my brows, a bit mad that she would think of such stupid things.

"Kaneki, no. I wouldn't even think of reporting you. You're my girlfriend, not some monster. I love you just as much as I always have. I want to stick this through with you and stay by your side. As long as you're not killing innocent people...it shouldn't be a problem. It's going to take some getting used to.. But if you are killing innocents...I-I'll make sure you'll stop..somehow." I wiped her tears and blood away as she stared at me in awe.

Her ghoul eye slowly went back to normal and she began to tear up again.

"(Y-Y/n)-sama...I-I'm so sorry! I just...when I seen that girl kissing you-" My girlfriend's words became muffled as she buried her face into my neck, sobbing hard.

I smiled a little and stroked her hair, one arm wrapped around her tightly to comfort her.

This was an odd, terrifying, yet sweet Halloween night...

A/N: Hope you liked it! Sorry if it was shit or seemed dumb. But yeah, hope you liked it! Have a Happy Halloween Everyone! Luv ya~! ❤👻🎃

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