The Signs As Things I'm Scared Of *

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                            's 11:50 over here and I'm updating in my bed

Spam my comment box so I don't feel lonely :(

Also Imma be doing my own chapters and whatever chapters that have a star "*" is a chapter I made myself, Meaning I didn't take it off the internet and thought of it myself

Aries: Waking up in the night to find a Person watching you.

Taurus: Going to the fridge in the middle of the night and seeing a Man there, Eating my Chicken nuggets.

Cancer: Accidently crying when something emotional happens in class. (Two boys hugged today it was so beautiful)

Gemini: Being stalked by a Mime

Leo: Being caught in an explosion or when my microwave blows up.

Virgo: Feeling like your tampon fell out

Libra: Getting locked in places after they close.

Scorpio: Doing weird Demon shit and accidentally Getting possessed

Sagittarius: Ponies Running wild in my backyard

Capricorn: Trying to kill a Ugly bitch from hell (Spiders) And having it get away and then finding it had little ugly demon babies in your bedroom

Aquarius: Getting Trapped at the bottom of the Ocean or Seeing a shark

Pisces: Going to an Extremely high place and looking down

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