Aries: Stubbing your toe
Taurus: That one friend who's always an hour late to do anything
Gemini: Chicken you were about to eat but then you realize it went bad
Cancer: A hangnail with a cut underneath it
Leo: Drunk kids on Twitter
Virgo: When weird family members start touching your hair
Libra: Those people who borrow your money and don't ever pay you back
Scorpio: Nickelback
Sagittarius: White boys who scream like Neanderthals in the middle of the hallway
Capricorn: "How are your grades?"
Aquarius: Not being texted back
Pisces: Your sock slipping off your foot inside your shoe

Zodiac signs
RandomEverything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*