Signs As Tumblr Insults

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Aries: You pile of wombat shit

Taurus: You are an infant and you should not be allowed to use a computer

Gemini: Do me a favour and staple all your fingers together

Cancer: Tell your small intestines I said hello since your head is probably that far up your ass

Leo: I want you to stop poisoning my air with your toxic presence There will never be a time when I won't use this insult

Virgo: You absolute fucking walnut

Libra: How about I switch your apple juice with piss

Scorpio: Shove a cactus in your ass buddy

Sagittarius: Go ahead chicken shit punch me in the fucking face. i will shove your entire upper body into your own ass and make you fuck yourself from the inside out.

Capricorn: Congratulations! You are the piss lord of shit mountain. Thank u for hefting turds down the mountainside so that we, the proles, May feats on your bounteous craps

Aquarius: You uneducated goose penis

Pisces: Back the fuck up you soggy lampshade

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