Aries: Tickling and nuzzling partner with their nose, always playful. Gently nibbling their ear and holding their fingers while whispering sweetly to them. Most likely the big spoon
Taurus: Sweet, gentle kisses on the forehead and eyelids. Lots of staring at lips and lacing their feet around their lover, tells them "I love you". Face to face cuddling
Gemini: Giggling and hiding their face in their partner's chest, if the partner does something cheesy Gemini will probably brush it off and call it dumb but secretly gemini will want to hear more. Finger tracing their back and spine, either big spoon or little spoon
Cancer: Loves to be nurtured. Wants to be held and in return will speak sweet nothings to partner, holding hands tight and playing footsie with them. Finger kisses and butterfly kisses, little spoon
Leo: Opposite of Cancer, loves to nurture. Will wrap their arms around you and kiss the back of your neck and spine. Rub your tummy and pull you closer in with their legs. Wants you to feel safe with them, Big spoon Aww
Virgo: Shy lover, rubbing feet against their calves and making eye contact only to look away. Will kiss your shoulders and hold your hands close to their chest, little small talks of their observations from the day, little spoon
Libra: Flirtatious kisses and teasing, honestly you'll probably get turned on without them even trying. hands through your hair and little sexy comments, loving holds and powerful gazes, face to face cuddling
Scorpio: Passionate and heavy, honestly will feel like sex without the clothes off. breathing against your neck and pulling you closer kissing your neck and whispering to you. Hands everywhere. Big spoon
Sagittarius: Passionate yet soft, opposite of scorpio, eyes closed and fingers tracing their lovers ribs, spiritual connection. soft moans and hands under clothes, face to face cuddling
Capricorn: Soft and gentle, a new side to them that you've never seen. Hands everywhere, shy eyes that look away, smelling your hair, toes laced with their partner's, intimacy is their form of poetry. Little or big spoon
Aquarius: They won't talk much, but they will be vulnerable to their emotions. hands still, or moving your hair out your face, cheek kisses and confessions. Honest love, big spoon
Pisces: Innocent and adoring, will make sure you are comfortable and want to be cradled in your arms. Loving words, feels like you are dreaming, falling asleep. Lots of mumbling and grabbing for their lover's attention, face to face cuddling

Zodiac signs
RandomEverything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*