The Signs In Kindergarden

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Aries: Steals Taurus's crayons and snacks when they're not looking

Taurus: Hoards all of the snacks and sleeps the longest during nap time

Gemini: Sings the clean up song, but doesn't actually clean up

Cancer: Starts crying because they want their mommy

Leo: Brings in all their toys/ trading cards and starts all the trends None of the other toddlers will ever be as cool as me

Virgo: The tattletale and teacher's pet

Libra: "Who wants to play the penis game?" bad child

Scorpio: Gets sent home early because they brought a porn magazine for show and tell also bad child

Sagittarius: Has to sit in the corner half the time

Capricorn: Yells at Gemini for not cleaning up

Aquarius: Gets sent home with Scorpio because of their "inappropriate" drawings

Pisces: Draws a picture with the crayons Aries stole

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