Aries: anthophobia - fear of flowers
Taurus: octophobia - fear of the figure 8
Gemini: anatidaephobia - fear of being watched by a duck
Cancer: globophobia - fear of balloons popping
Leo: pogonophobia - fear of beards They're really spooky
Virgo: sanguivoriphobia - fear of vampires
Libra: sciaphobia - fear of shadows
Scorpio: omphalophobia - fear of belly buttons
Sagittarius: turophobia - fear of cheese
Capricorn: consecotaleophobia - fear of chopsticks
Aquarius: hylophobia - fear of trees
Pisces: acerophobia - fear of sourness

Zodiac signs
RandomEverything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*