Aries be like: *Yells at couch cushion* "FIGHT ME, FUCKER"
Taurus be like: *Turns into a fucking human Garbage disposal* "Are you gonna eat that??! *Eats chips like a paper shredder"
Gemini be like: Trolololol look at those betches, Lol ew prank timez
Cancer be like: *Sees person looking at them* "WHY DOESNT ANYONE LOVE MEH" *Cries a fucking ocean, Screams are heard as everyone drowns to death by a Tears tsunami*
Leo be like: *looks in mirror and sees their eyebrows be on fleek* Screeches*" Omfg yass bitch yass 2 fab" *Everyone dies at Looking at Leo and not being able to handle their beautyness*
Virgo be like: "Ugh again", *reorganises dresser* IT ISN'T PERFECT, NOOOOO
Libra be like: *looks in mirror* Am I stunning yet? Let's see how balanced I can be
Scorpio be like: *Sees a Bush* *Gets horny* "Fuck me" *Has such amazing sex that Satan gets summoned by accident*
Sagittarius be like: lawl don't you get it, I'm 360yolonoscope swagittarius
Capricorn be like: oh is that a challenge? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED BITCH
Aquarius be Like: *Sees cloud* Omfg, Is that a UFO!?" *Calls ASPCA as they run away from life*
Pisces be like: *Turns into fish* *Cries because they can't handle the emotional trauma of being a fishy bitch*
Question timez: Can you Type the FUNNIEST stereotype for your Sign? Try it!

Zodiac signs
RandomEverything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*