The Signs In A Fire

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Aries: Contemplating whether or not to touch the fire

Taurus: Running around cursing the world

Gemini: Wondering whether she/he should be helping Pisces or running like hell

Cancer: Trying to find their friends but failing

Leo: Assuming people aren't idiots and has already gotten to safety, impatiently waiting for the other signs Whoo I'm safe

Virgo: Trying to help Pisces but is really in the way

Libra: In the same position as Cancer but mostly just watching the signs in amusement

Scorpio: Knowing exactly how to get to safety because they're badasses and calmly walking around

Sagittarius: Pretending to be Satan and dancing around the fire

Capricorn: Wanting to join Sag but helping Pisces instead because they know that Sag is crazy af

Aquarius: Yelling orders at the other signs to calm the fuck down and go to the marked exits

Pisces: Calmly trying to direct the signs to safety

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