How Much I Love The Signs *

119K 3.6K 1.7K

Aries: 123456789%

Taurus: 123456789%

Gemini: 123456789%

Cancer: 123456789%

Leo: 123456789%

Virgo: 123456789%

Libra: 123456789%

Scorpio: 123456789%

Sagittarius: 123456789%

Capricorn: 123456789%

Aquarius: 123456789%

Pisces: 123456789%

I love you all no matter what your sign is. If you're a Gemini to an Aries or a Scorpio to a Libra. Your sign doesn't define your character because you're all amazing I seen a lot of hate for all the signs and like no. All of you are beautiful little lovelies. Fuck those who say otherwise :3

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