The Signs As Spiders *

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Aries: The Small ass Spider that stays in one place

Taurus: The spider that eats all the Other bugs

Gemini: The spider that has Babies in your house and next thing you know There's little spider babies infesting your house

Cancer: The spider you feel bad about killing

Leo: That fabulous spider that spins a beautiful web

Libra: The Spider that falls on you when you try to hit it

Virgo: The spider that Moves fast as fuck

Scorpio: The Spider you try to kill, Only to realise it Vanished

Sagittarius: A Tarantula

Capricorn: The nice (Lol) spider that doesn't go near you and minds it's own business

Aquarius: The Spider that winds up in your shower

Pisces: The spider that climbs on you while you sleep

I don't know why but starting from now on I'm gonna ask a question at the end of every chappie and first person to guess correctly gets a shout out! Sound kewl? ^.^

What's my favorite color?

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