Aries: Takes them a while to notice the spy, but when they do, They go Hulk.
Taurus: Doesn’t notice, Doesn’t care.
Gemini: Nothing they do makes sense??? Impossible to tell if they are aware of the spy or not. They just do their normal thing.
Cancer: Looks innocent and unaware, but they know when they’re being spied upon. Watch out.
Leo: Loves the attention. Of course people would spy on them, They’re magnificent. *Twinkles majestically*
Virgo: The spy would get bored waiting for Virgo to do something interesting, and then they blink and Virgo is GONE.
Libra: The easiest to spy on tbh. But who is trying to get dirt on a Libra?
Scorpio: Impossible to spy on. One second the spy is *spying* and then SURPRISE they’re handcuffed to a table in an interrogation room, They slick as fuck. (Scorpio is the person Cancer calls to deal with their spy.)
Sagittarius: Does things just to frustrate the spy. Runs through busy public spaces, drives like a maniac, Talks in ~code~ etc, Even when they’re not being spied upon…
Capricorn: Takes them a bit to notice they’re being followed, but then every single thing Capricorn does is a passive-aggressive message to back off or else.
Aquarius: Good luck finding one.
Pisces: Is spying on everyone. :O
Zodiac signs
RandomEverything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*