What The Signs Do When They're Tired *

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Aries: Goes outside and rips grass out from the lawn

Taurus: Thinks Virgo is a donut and tries to eat them

Gemini: Texts their friend to wake up and keep them entertained

Cancer: Is cuddling a pillow while looking at hentai on tumblr

Leo: Wanders around the house in the middle of the night and scares Libra.

Libra: Hears noises and jumps out the window to sleep in the backyard

Virgo: Gets bitten by Taurus but secretly likes it other than the fact that it hurts like hell.

Scorpio: Is raiding the fridge at 4 in the morning and isn't even hungry

Sagittarius: Decides to be a creepy bitch with Leo and ends up walking in on Taurus eating Virgo and is scarred forever

Capricorn: Sleeps

Aquarius: Stares out the window at the stars and tries to find constellations

Pisces: Goes into Cancers room to sleep there but turns back when they hear noises.

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