Aries: Sits down for about five minutes, notices how cute Aquarius looks, decides to kill the boredom by having sex with Aquarius
Taurus: Won't share their food with the rest of the group
Gemini: Keeps up a steady string of complaints about the situation
Cancer: Cuddling with Pisces and trying not to panic
Leo: "At least we have power." *power goes off* "At least we have heat." *heat goes off* "At least I have my phone." *phone dies* Wtf is wrong with the world! Atleast we have each other.....
Virgo: Straightening up the place, because what else is there to do?
Libra: Having a moral/philosophical debate in the corner with Capricorn
Scorpio: In the shadows, watching as Taurus's personal food supply dwindles and plotting ways to kill Taurus and take the food
Sagittarius: Watches as Aquarius leaves with Aries and debates whether or not to ask to join them
Capricorn: Debating with Libra, but decides to look for candles instead
Aquarius: Wanders off with Aries, finds a pretty big closet, and immediately gets into the sex
Pisces: Crying on Cancer's shoulder and thinking that they're all gonna die

Zodiac signs
RandomEverything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*