Library Corners & Poison

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Unfortunately, Phe also had her next class with Bianca. Fortunately, she got a seat on the opposite side of the classroom. Unfortunately, this meant they were directly across from each other on opposite sides of the room. Great. Usually Phe liked being able to stare at a pretty girl, but not when said pretty girl was a total bitch.

They tried not to look at each other, but whenever accidental eye contact was made they would glare before quickly looking away. It didn't help that whenever a question was asked both of their hands would shoot up to answer it. It quickly become a contest and the tension was obvious to everyone in the room.

Phe was grateful when the class ended though. She rushed out of there and headed straight to Rosa's dorm. She felt like a spy as she snuck through campus trying to avoid all the vampires. She kept hiding behind pillars and other people. After longer than it should have taken, Phe arrived at Rosa's dorm. Only one problem; there was a shoelace hanging from the doorknob. The inconspicuous way of Rosa telling Phe she's having sex with Lonnie. Phe made a strangling motion with her hands and growled. Great. What the hell is she supposed to do now? Plus, she wants to get some studying done. Library it is then.

Phe snuck through the school once more to reach the library. She made her way to the very back and found a nice little dimly lit corner with a couch and table, far away from everyone else. She sighed relieved, dropped her backpack on the floor, sat down on the couch, and sprawled out dramatically with closed eyes.

It's only the second day of classes, and Phe is already regretting her decision to come to Nevermore. She just wanted to fit in somewhere. But now an entire species is obsessed with her and nobody else will talk to her and she's managed to make an enemy out of the school's popular mean girl. Her life couldn't get any worse even if it tried.

"What the hell are you doing in my corner?"

And the universe loves proving her wrong.

She opened her eyes and found Bianca Barclay standing by the bookshelves that hid this nice little area with crossed arms.

"Your corner?" Phe asked skeptically.

"Yeah, mine. So leave."

Phe scoffed. "Uhh ... I was here first."

Bianca glared. "I've been coming to this corner every day since the start of freshman year. So technically, I was here first."

"Well," Phe leaned back on the couch and propped her legs up on the table, "I was here first today. So I'm not leaving."

"You've got to be kidding me." Phe shook her head smugly making Bianca grit her teeth. "Why don't you just go to your dorm? Ya know, the one you never use."

"Why don't you?" Phe smirked. "You know it'll be empty."

Bianca's eyes darkened. "Where do you even sleep? Out in the woods? You sure look like it."

"Actually I sleep in a nice comfortable bed with a nice, friendly roommate." She placed her hand over her heart. "She's my hero, saving me from the cold proximity of a bitch."

Bianca licked her lips. "I think you mean saving me. Give her my thanks."

Sounds of a stampede of footsteps coming down the stairs made both girls stop and look between the bookshelves that hid them away. The pale skin and reflective sunglasses were clear as day; vampires.

"Oh come on," Phe grumbled as she grabbed her backpack and stood up. "Why won't they leave me alone?"

Bianca looked back at her and scoffed. "Yeah right, I bet you're loving the attention. A probably bullied loser from normie school and now you've got a fourth of the school pining for you. Better soak it in while you can." She leaned forward. "Cuz once you leave this school you'll go right back to being a nobody." She stood up straight again. "And that's assuming the fangs don't get bored with you before then." She made a show of looking her up and down. "They probably will."

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