Okay, One Person Dies

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As soon as the lights turned off, Wednesday flipped open her switch blade and lunged at Charles over the table. She thrust her knife into his abdomen repeatedly as he screamed in pain and failed to push her away.

The others weren't sure what was happening since only Wednesday had a comm and they couldn't see in the pitch black room, but they collectively decided to stand back and stay out of the way.

After thirteen stabs, Wednesday let Charles go allowing him to stumble back into the wall and then slid down it, blood leaving a trail as he did. It was a total of twenty seconds before the lights turned back on, and it took everyone's eyes a second to adjust. But when they did they stared frozen at the man who was quickly bleeding out.

It wasn't Charles.

This man had short brown hair and a scruffy face. He held onto his abdomen where blood was pouring out and pooling into a puddle around him. He coughed and it dribbled down his chin.

"Who the hell are you?" Wednesday sneered.

The man looked up at her through his eyebrows with a glare. "Name's Jimmy. What?" He smirked, his blood dyed teeth making him look insane. "Did you really think Charles would come here himself?"

"Where is he?"

"And why would I tell you?"

Wednesday crossed her arms. "Because I'm the one with the healing potion that can save your life." It was a lie. She doesn't even have one. But Wednesday has long mastered the art of lying.

Jimmy scowled. "He's in his office meditating to see the future. But by the time you get to him he'll be done." He coughed up blood but smiled manically. "You guys are fucked. He'll know everything for the next five hours."

"Five hours? So he can only see so far each time before having to mediate again?"

"Yes, but don't underestimate him. Five hours is all he needs to win."

Wednesday's head tilted to the side unimpressed. "Unfortunately for him ... I only need one." Before Jimmy could respond, she quickly slit his throat as she turned and began walking around the long table to get back to the others. He had already told her everything she needed to know. No reason to prolong a pointless conversation. Or prolong a worthless life.

Blood had sprayed onto the chairs and table and was pouring down Jimmy's front as he helplessly gripped his neck. He choked and strangled on his own blood before his arms became limp and the light in his eyes faded as his chin dropped to his chest.

Wednesday wiped the blood off her switch blade on her black pants and closed it, slipping it back up her sleeve. She joined the others and walked past them to the door unfazed. "Come on. Mia found Phe and Evelyn. We need to leave now before Charles decides to finally show himself."


As soon as the lights turned off, Mia went into the OR and started swinging. As a fallen angel, she had naturally good dark vision, so there wasn't an issue there. She punched and kicked all the surgeons and nurses, knocking them out. The room was chaos as screams and shouts echoed only to be cut short. She even picked up a metal tray and used it to smack some of them on the head. It was an odd satisfaction watching their bodies crumble to the ground. One Mia only took part in because she knew they would get back up later. Once she knocked out the last one, she dropped the metal tray allowing it to hit the floor with a clang.

"Okay, you can turn back on the lights," Mia told Enid.

They immediately came back on and Mia went to Evelyn's body which was sliced open to hell and back. The line went from the right side of her neck, down her arm, and down the side of her body, stopping at her hip. The incision cut through the muscle down to the bone allowing Mia to see its whiteness. There were green circles and veins that connected them that were being removed from the body. The lower Mia looked the less exposed the green veins were. Clearly Mia stopped the procedure before they could finish. But the sight of it all made her gag and she had to swallow back the bile that was building in her throat. But she couldn't forget the most important part of their plan, so she pulled out her phone and took pictures of it. More evidence of what they were doing. Then she put her phone away and stepped toward the table.

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