Tea Time With The Principal

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Phe wasn't sure why she was standing outside Principal Weems private quarters in the middle of the night. She just knew that she had the world's worst nightmare of being experimented on and wanted comfort from her mother like she always got after the nightmare she seems to get at least once a week. Only one problem, she didn't have a mother to cling onto anymore. She only stepped out of the dorms to get some fresh air, not wanting to disturb Rosa with her hyperventilating. But the next thing she knew her feet were moving and suddenly she's standing outside Weems personal room.

She just stood there staring at the door, too much of a coward to knock. Weems said she could talk to her about anything, but she had probably meant during the day. Coming to her room in the middle of the night was probably extremely inappropriate. This was her principal for crying out loud. But she just couldn't help where her feet brought her. She didn't know why they chose Weems, but they did. But she just can't bring herself to knock. The older woman is probably asleep anyway, despite what the faint light in the room shining through the door crack is trying to tell her.

Phe spun on her heels to leave, but she only made it a few steps before she heard the creek of a door opening and light illuminate the previously dark hallway. She froze with her shoulders raised and tense and slowly turned back around to face the towering woman in her white silk pajama set.

"I was going to wait for you to knock, but ..." Weems trailed off.

Phe continued to stare frozen. Oh god. Why did she come here? Seriously? What the hell is wrong with her? Who goes to their principal after having a nightmare?

"Would you like to join me for a cup of tea?" Weems offered. "I too find sleep to evade me this evening."

Phe bit her lip and shyly nodded as she slowly walked back over. Weems gave a comforting smile as she waited patiently. Once Phe was in the room, Weems closed the door behind her and went to the kitchen to prepare the tea.

Phe glanced around at the principal's quarters which was basically a studio apartment. To the right of the door was the kitchen and island with bar stools around it to sit and eat. Straight ahead from the door was a couch facing down where Phe assumed a bed and door to the bathroom was.

Phe tentatively took a seat on one of the stools by the island facing the kitchen. She sat awkwardly in silence while waiting for Weems to finish putting the kettle on. Once she did she sat down on the stool at the end of the island that faces the wall that separates the kitchen and bathroom.

Weems offered a kind smile. "So what keeps you up tonight, Phe?"

Phe flushed embarrassed. "I ... uhh ... I had ... a nightmare." She said it so quietly that the older woman almost didn't catch it. Almost.

"Do you have nightmares often?"

"Sort of ... not really." Phe sighed and laid her head on the counter. "It's kinda this one really bad one I get every now and then."

"How long have you been having it?"

"I don't know. Started around April, I think." It's currently August. "I made a joke mom gave it to me when I told her about it the first time I got it." Phe didn't know why she mentioned her mom. She just felt so comfortable with Weems that it slipped.

Weems quirked an eyebrow at her. "Why would you say that?"

"Because she gets em too. Same ones of being experimented on. She was not happy with my joke though. I thought it was funny."

Weems face furrowed in thought, but before she could say anything the kettle whistled so she went to finish the tea. A few minutes later she returned with two cups of tea. She set one down in front of Phe and took her own seat again. Phe gently blew on the tea before taking a sip.

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