An Olive Branch

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Phe basically spent the whole weekend with her father, even staying the night at his hotel with him Saturday night. He made them tea again and she slept like a rock. It was nice to get some proper sleep, even if she was left feeling sore afterward. She just considered it the sacrifice she had to make.

She told him about the friends she had made so far and the girl who seems to hate her guts. He listened intently and they eventually talked about her vampire problem again. She told him what Rosa told her to do and he agreed that she should, but she was still refusing. It led him to say how much like her mom she is which effectively dampened the mood.

Sunday night was when Charles took his leave. Phe helped him load his stuff into his car. She carried a medium sized square metal box that sounded like it had glass in it. "What's this, dad?"

He looked over as she carried it to him. He could hear the glass clanking around inside. "Be very careful with that!" Phe's eyes widened and she made sure to walk slower. He took it from her gingerly. "There's something very precious inside." He placed it carefully in the trunk.

"What is it?" Phe eyed it until he closed the trunk since everything was in it now.

"I'll tell you one day, honey." He turned to her. "Alright, I gotta go now. But I'm very glad I could be here with you. Don't be afraid to call again if you need me, okay?"

"Okay, dad." She hugged him tightly. "I love you."

"Me too, honey." He rubbed her back before pulling away. "I'll see you soon." He climbed into his car and gave one last smile before driving away.

Phe sighed and started the walk back to Nevermore. She made it in twenty five minutes and immediately collapsed on her bed in Rosa's dorm face first.

"You good, girl?" Rosa asked from her bed.

"Peachy." Her voice was muffled by the pillows. She lifted her head and laid on her left cheek so she could see Rosa. "I wish my dad didn't have to leave."

Rosa chuckled. "I wish my dad would leave."


"Me and pops don't have a great relationship, but he is an immortal vampire so I'm kinda stuck with him. At least I got aunt Clarissa though. Must be nice to have a good relationship with your father. Could never be me."

Rosa said it all with a smile on her face and Phe wasn't sure how to respond. Thankfully, she didn't have to since Rosa then changed the topic and started rambling about this new show she was watching.

Phe ended up falling asleep as she was talking. Though she didn't sleep that well, her night plagued with that one nightmare that terrifies her.

She was strapped to a steel table in a dimly lit medical room, what seemed like multiple IV's connected to her body. One on the backs of both hands, one in each elbow, one on each foot, one on each leg, and one on both sides of her neck. Only these tubes weren't injecting anything inside of her. They were drawing something out. Something dark purple.

There were men talking in the shadows of the room, but Phe couldn't quite hear what they were saying. It was all muffled like she was underwater. Then there was a glitch as the dream shifted. Everything was the same except now she was laying in a bed instead of a steel table. The clanking of glass rang out from everywhere, growing louder and louder.

"Phe, wake up," her mother's soft voice echoed quietly. "Phe. Phe!"

The voice changed to Rosa's. "Phe, wake up!"

Phe shot awake in a cold sweat as she panted for air. "What happened?"

Rosa sat down on the edge of her bed. "You fell asleep while I was talking so I decided to get ready for bed. But when I came out of the shower you were whimpering in your sleep. It seemed like a nightmare you would appreciate being woken up from. Wanna talk about it?"

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