An Overdue Family Reunion & A Crash Landing

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Once Phe's crying calmed down, Bianca moved them up to their dorm. They just laid down and Bianca held Phe in her arms. The siren had a few questions she wanted to ask. Like what did Phe hear and feel exactly after taking the potion? What's her power and why did she need three weeks in isolation? And why did she think Bianca would stop trusting her if she found out what it was? Bianca wanted to ask all that and more. But she figured now wasn't the best time.

Bianca's burning questions were far less important than Phe's emotional well being. The girl just found out some awful things today, so the siren just held her tightly. She rested her forehead on the nape of Phe's neck and took a deep breath. Ocean breeze and coconut. Phe still used her perfume. That made Bianca smile. She gave Phe a quick squeeze to assure that she was there for her.

Phe was being completely silent. Not crying anymore, simply staring off in a daze. She had a few questions of her own. Like what did her mom mean when she said she wasn't her dads? And what did she mean by leave Larissa? Isn't that Weems first name? Did her mom and Weems have a relationship? Is she the product of that relationship?

Her eyes widened. Oh shit. Didn't Weems say the last time she saw her mom was January 25th? Phe counted the months in her head. Nine. Nine months before she was born. Phe's heard from the others that Weems is a shapeshifter. It's entirely possible that Weems—nope, she didn't want to think about that too hard. But it is possible. She needs to talk to Weems. Right fucking now.

Phe jumped out of bed. "I'll be back!"

"Wait, Phe!" Bianca tried to stop her.

But Phe was already gone. She ran as fast as she could to Weems studio and arrived in record time. She slammed the door open. "Are you my—" Weems and a woman she was talking to turned to the door startled at the intrusion— "mom?!"

Evelyn gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. "Phe."

"Mom." Tears filled her eyes and she ran into her moms waiting arms. Both held tightly.

"I'm so sorry," Evelyn cried. She pulled away from the hug but kept her grip on Phe's shoulders. "I have to tell you about your father—"

"I already know." Phe wiped her tears away.

Evelyn's head jolted back. "Wait, you already know? How do you already know?"

"Aunt Clarissa gave me a potion."

"You don't have an Aunt Clarissa."

"Not my Aunt Clarissa."

"Do you mean Clarissa the dorm mom?" Weems asked as she remembered the name.

"Then whose Aunt Clarissa?" Evelyn asked.

"Rosa's Aunt Clarissa."

"Who's Rosa?"

"A friend of mine."

"You have friends?"


"I'm sorry! You've never really had friends before." She turned to Weems with a smile and a little shake. "I'm kind of excited."

"Okay, we are off topic!" Phe tried to get them back on track. She pointed at Weems. "Is she my mom?"

Evelyn slouched. "You know that too?"

"So she is?!"

Evelyn turned to Weems. "This feels very anticlimactic. I come for a big reveal and you both already know everything."

Weems held up her finger. "Well, actually I still have quite a few quest—"

Phe snapped to Weems. "You knew this whole time?!"

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