Ocean Breeze & Coconut

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Phe was in heaven. As long as she had her hood up and kept her head low, she could walk the halls of Nevermore without a problem. The vampires never noticed her. It was amazing. Though there was one weird thing going on.

When Phe returned to the dorm that Monday afternoon, Rosa and Lonnie stared at her with dropped jaws in clear excitement.

Phe looked at them confused. "What?"

"Oh nothing," Rosa sang as Lonnie giggled next to her. "Nothing at all."

"O-kay?" Phe shook her head and sat down at her desk to study. She decided to forego the library and let Bianca have it for the day. Though she would go back to fighting for it tomorrow.

And when tomorrow came the weirdness continued. Vampires still didn't notice her in the halls or when walking around, but even when they saw her in class they left her alone. They would stare at her in quiet confusion, subtly sniff the air, and then quickly look away. The vampires were completely leaving her alone now. Not that Phe was complaining.

But her friends were acting weird too. Rosa and Lonnie smirked at her when she caught up with them later at breakfast. And when Phe and Rosa met with Enid in first period, she froze and stared at Phe with a dropped jaw too. When Phe asked her what was wrong, the werewolf blushed and quickly said nothing.

When lunch rolled around, Bianca noticed her friends acting weird too. They looked more smug than usual and kept giving her knowing smirks. It was starting to irritate her.

But now both girls had their Carnivorous Plants class. It was going fine and when the teacher asked a question, both of their hands shot up to answer. The teacher begrudgingly called on Phe who gave the right answer. And as soon as the teacher turned to face his board to write something down, Bianca kicked the back of Phe's chair.

Phe turned to look at the siren behind her with narrowed eyes and slightly parted lips. "Did you just kick the back of my chair?" Bianca shrugged with a smirk. "What are you, five?"

"Actually, I'm a ten." She looked Phe up and down. "You look to be about a five though."

Phe raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? Cuz this five had a fourth of the school simping for her."

Bianca leaned forward on her desk. "Only because of your blood. Lose that and what do you have?"

Phe leaned forward too. "Beauty, brains, the list goes on."

Bianca opened her mouth to respond but the teacher beat her too it. "Do you girls have anything to share with the class?"

Bianca leaned back and Phe turned back to the front. The entire class had been watching with smirks on their faces. The teacher had his arms crossed and was clearly annoyed.

"Actually yes," Phe began with a smirk. "Dear old Bianca here was just telling me that she's on her period." The boys in class began to snicker and the teacher became uncomfortable. "She was asking if I had an extra tampon, which I unfortunately do not."

The teacher cleared his throat. "Is this true, Miss Barclay?"

It was Bianca's turn to smirk. "Oh yeah, it is. But I was only asking because Phe is also on her period. She was telling me how much blood is just gushing out of her."

The boys burst out laughing and the teachers face was red. "Both of you are excused to go use the bathroom in your dorms." He waved them away so the two girls grabbed their backpacks and left.

"Well, I'm not going back to that class," Phe said as they walked down the hallway.

Bianca shook her head. "I can't believe you did that."

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