The Catalyst

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After fourth period that day, Phe went to the library, taking her time as she walked the halls. She was seriously enjoying her freedom from the vampires. Unfortunately, by taking her time, when she reached the library, Bianca was already there. Phe pouted but resigned herself to defeat and turned to leave.

"You can stay."

Phe turned back around slowly to look at Bianca. Her eyes were glued to her book as she sat on one end of the couch. Almost as if she was waiting for someone to take the other side. "Seriously?"

"Don't make me repeat myself. As long you don't talk I don't care. I won't hesitate to slap you again though." She turned the page and Phe was sure she caught the slight upturn of the siren's lips.

Phe nodded once and took her seat on the other end of the couch. She pulled out her books and the two studied and did homework in silence. Once they finished they walked to their dorm together.

Phe noticed the eyes on them immediately, mostly vampires. Whilst most of them have completely backed off, she noticed a few who look at her skeptically. Especially when she's with Bianca. She couldn't really blame them since until a few days ago they were known for hating each other. But she really needs to sell this relationship so, "Hold my hand," she whispered to Bianca.

Bianca looked at her with furrowed brows, caught off guard. "Huh?"

"Hold my fucking hand." Phe ended up doing it herself, grabbing Bianca's hand and interlacing their fingers. "People are watching."

Bianca had to refrain from rolling her eyes, not wanting anyone to see if she did. "I should not have agreed to this."

Phe smirked. "Yeah, well, ya did, so." Bianca sighed through her nose but didn't say anything else. There was a beat of silence and so she decided now was a good a time as any to ask her question since they were already on the topic. "Then why did you?"


"Why did you agree to this? I mean you're really not getting anything from our arrangement except me in our dorm. Which seems to annoy you anyway." Bianca stayed silent. "Is it just because you feel bad about wrongly hating me? Because if it is, you already made up for it with the perfume. You don't have to do this. Especially if it makes you miserable."

Bianca gave her a suspicious side eye. "You're giving me an out? Even though you're the one who needs this?"

Phe shrugged. "I'm not in the habit of forcing people to do things." Unless they deserve it, she thought to herself. With her toxin, forcing people to do things is very easy for her. But like she told her dad, she doesn't like to. Unless they deserve it. "I won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

Bianca stopped walking—which forced Phe to as well—and looked at the girl with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. When was the last time no one tried to force Bianca to do something? She didn't know. If it wasn't her mom and step dad and Morning Song, then it was her own friends. Though of course theirs was never harmful like the others, but they still made her do things she didn't want to. Like going to a party or going shopping or apologizing to Phe, and even telling them how she and Phe "got together". It may be minor things, but they were still things she didn't want to do. And now here Phe was; a girl she doesn't like and that doesn't like her, not forcing her to do something that Phe really needs her help with. Phe Lin continued to confuse Bianca to no end.

She must've been staring too long because Phe waved her free hand in her face. "Earth to Bianca, ya in there?"

"Why do you care about forcing me or not? You don't even like me."

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