How Nice It Is To Have Friends

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Phe didn't end up in any trouble. Weems let her off with a warning, telling her that even though deserved, she still can't threaten her teachers. She also promised to deal with the teacher herself and if there are any more problems to let her know. She also told her that her door's always open if she ever needed to talk about anything at all.

Then she sent her on her way to catch the remaining half of her last period. But seeing that it was only the remaining half, Phe decided to just forego the class instead. Plus, she kinda doesn't wanna see anyone right now. Who knows what kids will be saying about her now?

Instead, Phe went to the library and headed to the very back, securing herself in the secluded corner. She sat down and leaned back with a sigh of relaxation. This is the first time she's here and can actually enjoy it. What with all the vampires poisoned. And according to the time she has like forty-five minutes before Bianca is due to show up and ruin it.

She set her backpack on the floor before kicking her feet up on the couch and laying back with her head against the armchair. She didn't feel like studying right this second, but she'd get to it eventually. Closing her eyes she decided to just relax for a moment.

Her mind wandered to her mom. She imagined she had Weems to thank for that. She usually pushed her to the back of her mind and tried not to think about her. But thanks to talking about her with Weems and then feeling like she was talking to her mom again, it was at the forefront of her mind. She thought back to that night she left. Or rather the morning after.

Phe woke up out of a deep sleep and rubbed her eyes. It was a hot day toward the end of May, just a few days after the start of summer vacation. Phe was tired and groggy like she was every morning, ever the deep sleeper she was. She didn't even want to get out of bed, her body aching and sore from sleeping in weird positions. But she knew she needed to, her mom had promised to take her to the summer carnival later but only if she helped out in the garden first.

Her mom was easily her best friend. They did everything together. Probably because Phe didn't have any friends her age. They all ended up dropping her eventually. Especially after what happened at the end of last year, but that's a story for another time. She also wanted to ask her dad again to let her go to Nevermore. Seeing that she had gotten expelled again at the end of the year and currently didn't have a school set up for her yet.

She pushed herself out of bed and got ready for the day and bounded down the stairs to the living room where her mom should've been. But instead she found her father sitting on the couch, nursing a glass of whiskey with his lips pulled into a frown.

Phe tilted her head at him confused. Who drinks whiskey first thing in the morning? "Dad?" She glanced around the room. "Where's mom? I'm supposed to help her in the garden."

Her father, Charles, didn't look at her. Instead keeping his gaze inside his glass as he swirled its contents. "She's gone."

Phe furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"

"She took off sometime last night. She's not coming back. She left us."

Phe blinked a few times trying to process what her dad was saying. "Mom wouldn't do that."

"Well she did!" Charles snapped making Phe flinch. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Please don't push me today, Phe." He downed the remaining of his whiskey and stood up. "I'll be in my office. I need to fix the mess your mother left." He walked past a teary eyed Phe and left.

Once she heard his office door close she began running around their house—more like mansion—in search of her mother. She opened every door, checked every corner, but her mother was no where to be found. She fell to her knees in the last room she checked; the library.

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