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The night air is thick with an electrifying sense of reality mixed with the surreal

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The night air is thick with an electrifying sense of reality mixed with the surreal. The events of the day loop endlessly in my mind, making sleep a distant fantasy. I twist and turn beside Devon, whose rhythmic breathing is a testament to his exhaustion. Our three rounds of slow, passionate love-making should have left me just as spent, but my mind is alive, haunted by the strangeness of today's unfolding.

Reaching over to the nightstand, I grab my phone, its cold screen lighting up my thoughts. My eyes catch a glimpse of the ring on my left hand; its sparkle seems almost otherworldly in the dim light. I bring it closer, examining it as if to confirm its existence, then place the phone back and nestle into Devon's warm side. His presence is a comforting anchor in this sea of bewilderment.

I run my hand gently up his bare chest, feeling the rise and fall with each of his breaths. My fingers find their way around his neck, and I lean in, pressing my lips softly against his. The sensation is both grounding and thrilling.

Should I wake him? He wouldn't mind, I convince myself.

"Devon," I whisper, nudging his shoulder gently. He doesn't stir, so I try again, my voice a tad louder, "Devon." This time, he flinches, his eyes fluttering open. "Eve?" he murmurs, his voice a sleepy, sexy growl that sends shivers down my spine.

I stroke his cheek, and we nuzzle noses. His arms instinctively wrap around my waist, drawing me into his warmth. "What's wrong, love?" he asks, concern lacing his voice despite its low, husky tone.

"Nothing. It's just..." I sigh, my eyes closing in the shadows of second thoughts. His thumb begins a soothing rhythm on my skin. "Are you hurt? Did I go too rough on you?" he asks, his voice tinged with worry.

Releasing his hold on me, he reaches for the nightstand, clicking on the dim light. His eyes scan me with the tenderness of a lover and the diligence of a protector.

"I'm fine. You didn't hurt me," I assure him.

His hands cup my cheeks, drawing me into his gaze. "Then what is it?" he asks softly, his eyes searching mine for answers.

I bite the inside of my cheek, embarrassment flickering in my mind. "I want you to tell me that you love me," I mur "I want you to tell me that you love me," I murmur, my voice small and vulnerable against the vast silence of the room.

His expression softens, and a gentle smile stretches across his lips. "That's why you woke me up?" he half-teases, though his eyes reflect nothing but understanding.

I bring my hands up to cover my face, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise. "I just feel like I'm in a dream or something," I confess, words tumbling out as my barriers fall. "I couldn't sleep and..." He tenderly removes my hands from my face and captures my lips with a kiss that feels as genuine as the earth beneath us.

"I love you," he whispers against my lips, the words a gentle caress against my skin.

My heart swells at his declaration, the words wrapping around me like a warm embrace. Devon shifts, rolling on top of me, his weight pressing me softly into the mattress. His lips trace a slow path to my chin, each kiss a silent promise. "It's not a dream," he reassures me, his voice like velvet. "This is real. My love for you is very real."

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now