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The afternoon sun filters softly through our curtains, casting a warm, golden hue across the room as Evelina and I awake from our restful slumber

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The afternoon sun filters softly through our curtains, casting a warm, golden hue across the room as Evelina and I awake from our restful slumber. We've taken a couple of days off to relish the period following our wedding anniversary, allowing ourselves the rare luxury of uninterrupted time together. This morning, or rather afternoon, Evelina stirs first, her presence a teasing insistence against my side.

With gentle persistence, her fingers trace patterns over my torso. Her breath is warm against my ear as she whispers, "Did you know that pregnancy hormones make women hornier? And I'm really horny, Dev. Please."

The raw need in her voice jolts me awake like a rush of cold water. Desire thrums through me, my body responding instantly.

I get out of bed, and the chill of the room bites at my skin as Evelina's warmth slips away. I stand at the foot of the bed, completely naked, my eyes never leaving her prone form. She lies on her back, her eyes dark with want. My cock is painfully hard, throbbing with an urgent need to claim her.

My eyes roam over her body, drinking in the sight of her fuller breasts and the soft curve of her hips. Her beauty is a siren's call, and I am helpless against it. Evelina's eyes sparkle with mischief, a smile playing on her lips.

"My husband is so insanely hot," she purrs, her gaze sliding hungrily over my torso.

"Come here," I demand, my voice rough with desire.

She crawls to the end of the bed where I stand, and I take my cock in hand, smearing the pre-ejaculate across her lips. Her tongue darts out, licking her lips as her eyes lock with mine, nothing else mattering in that moment.

"I'm going to blow in your mouth, then I'm going to fuck you so damn hard you'll forget your name," I growl.

Slowly, I pump my cock, Evelina opening her mouth, anticipation making her eyes sparkle even more. Just the sight of her, her mouth open and waiting, sends a jolt of lust straight to my core. My breaths are ragged as I jerk harder, guiding myself to the moist haven of her mouth.

I grab a handful of her silky hair, her blue eyes wide and adoring as I slide into her mouth. My eyes close in sheer ecstasy. "Holy fucking hell, your mouth is perfect."

I slide in and out, testing her limits, savoring every wet glide of her tongue. Devon lets out a deep, animalistic groan that reverberates through my body. "You like that, baby?" I whisper hoarsely, my control slipping. She nods around me, causing vibrations that send shivers down my spine. My grip on the back of her head tightens as I push deeper, her lips straining but never faltering.

Be gentle, Devon. Be gentle, she's pregnant, I remind myself, but the plea does little to calm the beast inside me. She always makes me lose myself—I can't help it. Each time I thrust into her eager mouth, Evelina moans, the sound vibrating along my shaft and driving me closer to the edge.

"Good girl," I pant, marrow-deep pleasure coating every word. "That's it."

My rhythm grows urgent, primal. Her mouth feels so damn good, enveloping me in wet heat. "Bare your teeth, sweetheart," I command, my voice a guttural growl.

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