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As I sit across from Devon on his private jet, I can't tear my eyes away from him

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As I sit across from Devon on his private jet, I can't tear my eyes away from him. Dressed in a crisp white shirt and maroon pants, his sleeves rolled up as he works diligently on his laptop, he exudes a sense of effortless charm that never fails to captivate me. I find myself stealing glances at him every now and then, unable to resist the pull of his magnetic presence.

When his gaze meets mine, a soft smile graces his lips, sending my heart aflutter. His words, "You look like you need some attention, darling," spark a warmth within me that I can't deny. And when he pats his lap, inviting me to seek solace in his arms, I don't hesitate. Discarding the terrible romantic book in my hands, I practically leap into his embrace, my arms encircling his neck in a gesture of unspoken longing.

As Devon's hand tenderly caresses my hair and his lips brush against my skin, showering me with affectionate kisses, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. The world fades away, leaving only the two of us enveloped in a cocoon of love and warmth. His request to simply hold me is met with a whisper of consent, my heart swelling with a mixture of contentment and uncertainty.

Craving the comfort of his touch, I bury my face in his shoulder, his scent anchoring me in a moment of fleeting tranquility. But beneath the facade of our blissful intimacy, a quiet fear lingers—a fear that the fantasy we have created on our fake honeymoon will soon shatter, leaving us to confront the harsh reality of our arranged marriage.

Despite the nagging doubt that clouds my thoughts, I cling to Devon, savoring the fleeting happiness we share in this moment. The impending return to our normal lives looms on the horizon, and the thought of facing the truth of our situation fills me with dread. But as the jet carries us closer to the inevitable, I allow myself to get lost in the temporary sanctuary of Devon's embrace, silently hoping that our fairy tale won't come crashing down when we land back home.

The jet continues to glide smoothly through the clouds, and Devon's warm presence beside me offers a sense of comfort I didn't know I needed. His fingers run through my hair gently, a gesture that feels intimate and protective. He tilts my chin up with a gentle touch, our eyes meeting in a moment of shared vulnerability.

"Hey," he whispers softly, his breath warm against my cheek. "Everything's going to be okay."

I nod, though my heart is still heavy with the uncertainty of what lies ahead. "I know," I whisper back, though the words feel more like a hopeful promise than a certainty.

Devon's lips brush against mine in a tender kiss, a silent reassurance that he's here with me, that we're in this together. For now, that's enough. I let myself sink deeper into his embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against my own.

We spend the rest of the flight wrapped in each other's arms, the quiet moments of affection speaking louder than any words could. Devon's occasional jokes and soft laughter fill the cabin, a stark contrast to the cold, distant man I first met. His transformation from a stoic, serious businessman to a loving, attentive partner continues to amaze me, and I find myself falling deeper for this side of him.

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