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I sink deeper into the couch, the soft leather molding around me as I watch Evelina play with Theo

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I sink deeper into the couch, the soft leather molding around me as I watch Evelina play with Theo. Her laughter rings through the living room, a sweet sound that momentarily eases the tightness in my chest. Storm, our loyal husky, bounds around with her five puppies. Blue, the largest and most energetic of the litter, leads the charge, followed closely by Max, Luna, Daisy, and Scout. Their playful yips fill the air, adding to the chaotic joy that Theo seems to thrive on.

Evelina looks radiant, her dark hair falling in soft waves as she leans down to tickle Theo's belly. Our son giggles, his chubby hands reaching out to grab at Storm's fur as she nuzzles him gently. Watching them, it's hard to remember the arguments that have been tearing us apart for the past few days. We fight, we make up, we fuck, and then the cycle begins again. It's exhausting, and I can't figure out how to break it.

I've tried everything. I even talked to Jack again, hoping his wife would apologize to Evelina, but that hasn't happened yet. In a desperate attempt to make things better, I suggested a weekend trip to the Maldives, just the two of us. She told me to fuck off. The rejection stung, but it was nothing new. Our problems seem to disappear when we're with Theo, but as soon as we're alone, the tension returns.

Evelina looks over her shoulder and catches me watching. Her smile is small but genuine, and I find myself smiling back. For a moment, everything feels right. I slide off the couch and join her on the floor, my presence drawing Theo's curious gaze.

"Come on, buddy," I say, my voice gentle. "Let's see you crawl."

Theo's little feet shuffle on the floor as he tries to move forward. His determination is palpable, and I feel a swell of pride. Evelina cheers him on, her eyes sparkling with encouragement. Theo flips onto his stomach, his tiny arms struggling to support him. He wobbles, his face scrunching in concentration, and then he tips forward, his face meeting the carpet with a soft thud.

Evelina gasps, her hand flying to her mouth. I react instantly, scooping Theo up into my arms. His cries are loud and panicked, and I hold him close, murmuring soothing words.

"It's okay, buddy. You're fine. Daddy's got you."

Theo's cries gradually subside, his little body relaxing against mine. I rock him gently, feeling Evelina's eyes on us. She reaches out, her fingers brushing Theo's cheek before she looks up at me, her expression a mix of gratitude and something else—something I can't quite place.

For a moment, it feels like we're a team again, united by our love for our son. I want to hold onto this feeling, to make it last. But I know that once Theo is asleep and the puppies are settled, the silence will return, and with it, the unspoken words and unresolved issues.

I glance at Evelina, wondering if she feels the same way. Her smile has faded, replaced by a pensive look. I want to ask her what she's thinking, to bridge the gap between us. But instead, I focus on Theo, who has stopped crying and is now tugging at my shirt, his eyes bright with curiosity.

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