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The sun is barely peeking over the horizon when I wake up, the soft light filtering through the sheer curtains of my bedroom

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The sun is barely peeking over the horizon when I wake up, the soft light filtering through the sheer curtains of my bedroom. The bed feels emptier than ever without Devon beside me. I stretch out, my hand brushing the cool sheets where he should be. A sigh escapes my lips as I push the thoughts of our separation aside and focus on the day ahead. Today, I'm meeting Gianna at the store to work on our new collections, and I need to keep my mind occupied.

After a quick shower, I choose a simple yet elegant outfit—a navy blue dress that falls just above my knees, paired with a soft gray cardigan and ankle boots. As I brush my hair, I catch a glimpse of my reflection. There's a new spark in my eyes, a subtle shift that I can't quite place. Is it the excitement of the day ahead, or something more profound? Shaking off the uncertainty, I head downstairs to grab a quick breakfast.

Helena greets me with a warm smile as I enter the kitchen. "Good morning, Mrs. Enderson. Would you like some breakfast?"

"Just a quick coffee and toast, Helena. I need to get to the store early today," I reply, offering her a grateful smile.

As I sip my coffee and nibble on the toast, my mind drifts to Devon. The way he's been acting lately has been so different from the cold, distant man I first met. His terrible jokes, the warmth in his eyes, and the gentle touches—all of these moments have started to chip away at the walls I've built around my heart. But the fear of addressing these new feelings keeps me from confronting the truth. What if it's all just part of the arrangement? What if he doesn't feel the same way?

"Mrs. Enderson, can I say something?" Helena's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Of course, Helena," I reply, curious about what she has to say.

"You've changed him, you know," she says, her eyes softening with sincerity.

I blink in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Master Devon. He's different since you've come into his life. Happier. More...alive," Helena explains. "I've never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you."

"You flatter me, Helena," I say, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "I haven't done anything special."

Helena shakes her head. "You've done more than you realize. Trust me, I've known him for years. You've brought out a side of him that I thought was lost."

Her words warm my heart, but also stir up the confusion I've been trying to avoid. Before I can respond, I notice that Devon isn't around. "Where is Devon? I haven't seen him this morning."

Helena's expression shifts slightly, a hint of unease crossing her features. "He went to Paris again. He left early this morning."

The news hits me like a punch to the gut. Why didn't he tell me he was traveling? I feel a wave of betrayal and hurt wash over me. "Paris? Again?"

"Yes, he had some urgent business to attend to," Helena explains, her tone apologetic.

I force a smile, trying to hide my disappointment. "Thank you, Helena."

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