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I fucked up

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I fucked up

Resting my head on the shower tiles as the water ran down my face, I keep reliving the last 24 hours from the wedding to the airport to the hotel. And I truly believe that I fucked up.

I run my hand through my hair, rinsing all of the shampoo off, and then step out of the shower. I catch a glimpse of my reflection. I look like shit, and I'm very much disgusted with myself. Drying my body with a towel, I put on my boxers, follow with a pair of black sweatpants and a white T-shirt.

My hair is still dripping water as I walk out of the bathroom. I take a look at the bed where my wife is sleeping peacefully. I take a few steps toward the bed and sit on the foot of it, looking over my shoulder, watching her breathe steadily.

I took advantage of her, didn't I? She wanted the shop, and I made her marry me. She did sign the contract; I didn't push her to sign it. But what I did—wasn't it a bit manipulative?

I didn't think this through. I thought that it would be all business. She would live with me, but we wouldn't have to run into each other. We would only see each other during events or casual fake dates for the media. We would fake kisses and physical affection.

What I didn't think would happen is that I would actually like her. She is a gorgeous, ambitious young woman with a heart of gold. Every time I look into her eyes, my heart hums. Every time my lips brush against hers, I nearly melt. The way her hands travel up my back to fist my hair or stroke my neck as we kiss. How she beams with happiness every time I smile.

I had no idea that my smile would have an effect on anyone.

I love how different I am around her. But I'm a fucked-up person. I know that I will never be good enough for her, and I would hurt her. I don't want to see her hurt.

I stand up and pull the extra blanket I had ordered when I made the hotel reservation. I walk over to the couch and lay down, trying to get a bit of sleep. It has been a long day. I just need a tiny minute to forget it all.


I open my eyes upon hearing my name. The room is dark; it's still very late. I watch Evelina, who is kneeling on the floor right next to my head. I push my body up with my elbows and mutter, "Is everything alright?"

She shakes her head. "It's raining outside, and I woke up at the sound of the thunder. I can't sleep."

I sit up, running my hand through my hair. I clear my throat, trying to register what she said. I hear the thunder and the raindrops hitting the windows so loud and clear now. And if I'm not mistaken, one of her rules is to be around her during thunderstorms.

"I'm really sorry that I woke you up, but can you maybe join me? You don't have to hold my hand or anything, just share a bed with me," she starts rambling, clearly embarrassed as she looks down at the floor. I let my hand touch her chin and tilt her face up so I can meet her beautiful eyes.

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