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The gentle rise and fall of Evelina's breath against my chest matches the rhythm of my heartbeat

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The gentle rise and fall of Evelina's breath against my chest matches the rhythm of my heartbeat. As she lies sound asleep in my arms, the world outside seems to blur, leaving behind a quiet oasis of serenity. The silky strands of her hair slip through my fingers as I stroke her head, my lips brushing against the crown of her head every so often. Her head fits perfectly on my shoulder, her arms encircling my bare waist, creating a cocoon of warmth and intimacy.

Last night, we shared the overwhelming news of our pregnancy with her parents. We invited them over to our home, wishing to deliver the news in person rather than over the phone. Her father has a trip planned to London soon, and we can't bear the thought of something so monumental being reduced to mere words over a line.

Despite wanting them to stay in the guest room, they politely decline. However, we still plan a cozy dinner to unveil our surprise. The moment arrives, and with a cardigan identical to the one my dad received, we break the news. Evelina's mom can't stop crying—tears of joy streaking her cheeks—and even her normally stoic father sheds a few tears.

Once they leave for their villa in London, Evelina confesses she isn't feeling well. She changes into her nightgown and goes to bed. After lingering in my office to catch up on work, she surprises me by appearing in the doorway, asking for me to join her. And so, we end up in this intimate position, a tangle of limbs and love. We sleep through the night, waking with no pressing work due to being on leave. I wake early, unable to resist the allure of watching my wife's peaceful, sleeping form.

"It's creepy to stare at someone while they are asleep," her voice, still thick with slumber, startles me. Her hand trails up my chest, a gentle reminder of her presence.

I can't help but tighten my hold on her waist. "I can't help it, you're so beautiful it makes my heart ache," I whisper.

She opens her eyes, their sleepy drowsiness giving way to a shy smile. "Don't look at me like that; it makes me nervous," she mumbles, her fingers continuing their tender exploration of my chest.

I keep my gaze steady, tracing the contours of her back, while she shifts, pressing her hands against my chest to sit up. Her knees frame my waist, and my hands slide to her hips, feeling the soft fabric of her nightgown against my skin.

"Will you still think I'm beautiful when I gain baby weight?" she asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

I place my hand tenderly over her belly, a smile crossing my lips. "Of course. You are going to be the sexiest, most beautiful woman with our baby growing inside you."

Her eyes soften, and a playful glint sparkles within them. "How do you always have all the smooth words to swoon me?" she asks, laughing lightly.

"Sweetheart," I begin, taking her hand and placing it over my sternum, near my heart, "I wish there were enough words to describe how beautiful you are. I wish there were enough words to describe what I feel for you."

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now