Bonus 2

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A week after Devon's return from Italy, I wake up early in the morning to find my husband still asleep

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A week after Devon's return from Italy, I wake up early in the morning to find my husband still asleep. His steady breaths are a comforting rhythm in the quiet room. Carefully, I slip out of bed, making sure not to wake him. The cool tiles of the hardwood floor soothe my feet as I head straight for Theo's room.

The soft morning light filters through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle, golden glow over the room. The air feels thick with the scent of lavender from the diffuser I placed next to Theo's crib, creating a serene atmosphere. His tiny hands are curled into fists, and his chest rises and falls gently with each breath. I scoop him up with the utmost care, feeling the warmth of his little body against mine as he stirs slightly, blinking up at me with sleepy eyes. I kiss his forehead, feeling a wave of love and tenderness wash over me—it's as though nothing else in the world matters in this moment.

We start our morning routine together. Changing his diaper brings a few moments of fuss, but once swaddled in a fresh, soft onesie, he's calm. We head downstairs, and I place him in his playpen in the living room, the room bathed in the morning sun. Our dog, Storm, a loyal and gentle golden retriever, greets us with an excited wag of his tail. His soft fur bristles with excitement as he circles around Theo, who giggles and reaches out to touch him, their connection immediate and heartwarming.

With Theo settled and Storm keeping a watchful eye on him, I head to the kitchen, the open-plan design allowing me to keep an eye on the living room. I start making breakfast, the familiar tasks grounding me: whisking eggs, toasting bread, and brewing coffee. The scent of fresh coffee fills the air, blending with the comforting aroma of toast, creating a perfect morning symphony.

I hear Devon's footsteps descending the stairs, each step deliberate and yet unhurried. I glance up, and our eyes meet. A smile spreads across my face as he walks towards me, his presence filling the room with warmth. He stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and kisses my shoulder, his lips soft and tender.

"Good morning," he murmurs, his voice still husky with sleep, a sound that never fails to make my heart flutter.

"Good morning," I reply, leaning into his embrace, feeling the security of his arms around me.

Together, we finish preparing breakfast. We sit at the table, the food spread out before us. The clinking of cutlery and soft rustle of plates fills the air, underscored by Theo's cheerful coos from his playpen. Storm lies down nearby, content and watchful. As we eat, the conversation flows easily, weaving through the mundane and the meaningful, until it lands on our plans for the day.

"We should visit Dad today," Devon says, taking a measured sip of his coffee. "I think he'd love to spend some time with Theo."

I nod, smiling at the thought. "That sounds like a great idea. I know he misses him."

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