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I stand across the counter holding my and my wife's passports, trying to get the registration done

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I stand across the counter holding my and my wife's passports, trying to get the registration done. Evelina is escorted into my lounge, where she'll be waiting for me. Hundreds of scenarios run through my head about what might happen the minute I join her in the lounge. Maybe offering to relieve her was a mistake—it could lead to excruciating frustration. I can barely manage my hard-on and cover it.

When we ate at the wedding and discussed her sex life, I was shocked by how wild she used to be—and maybe still is—in bed. It's unfortunate I won't see it with my own eyes. Have I made the right choice? I'm used to having one-night stands with women I can forget about the next day. But with Evelina, the chemistry we have is too risky. Once we start, we won't be able to stop.

"Sorry for making you wait, sir," the man at the counter says, handing back our stamped passports.

I take them and head to the lounge, noticing people with cameras trying to act discreet as they snap pictures of me. I step into my private lounge, consisting of a small bar, a living room, a bedroom, and a bathroom connected to the living room. Jack used to tease me about owning a private lounge at the airport that I never used. He called it a waste of money.

Finally, I have a purpose for this lounge. I find Evelina seated on the couch, her legs crossed and a glass of red wine in her hand. Two women are cleaning up the bar. Evelina's cheeks are tinted pink, and I can't tell if it's because she's flushed and horny or tipsy. I take the glass from her hand, set it on the table, and grab her hand, making her stand.

"There are people here," she whispers.

"It's good to have people hear you scream my name," I whisper back. She places her hand on my chest, looking up at me. Her lips are still painted red, her eyes shining. I cup her cheeks, letting my thumb caress them, then plant a kiss on her forehead.

"You want to do this in the bedroom?" she asks suddenly.

"If we go to the bedroom, I won't be able to stop myself from touching you. Come on, let's go to the bathroom."

Her eyes widen slightly, her lips parting as I lead her to the bathroom. I open the door, and she walks in with me. I lock the door behind us. "You sure you want this?" I ask.

"Yes," she answers, licking her lips.

"Take off your heels."

She steps out of her heels, and I place my hand on her waist, guiding her toward the sink counter. I flip her so her back is to me and she can watch our reflection. I kiss the back of her neck as my hands explore her hips. I hold the hem of her dress between my fingertips and pull it up to her waist, making her breath quicken.

"If you want me to stop, just say the word and it'll be over," I remind her. She nods, and I get on my knees, face to face with that perfect ass. She wears a white lacy thong that barely covers anything. The thong is buried in her pussy slot, with her pussy lips jutting out, dripping wet. I place my hand between her thighs, separating her legs slightly, making her thong bury itself in her ass cleft. I place my hand on her lower back, making her arch and exposing her pussy lips even more.

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