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It's unusual for me to wake up before Devon

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It's unusual for me to wake up before Devon. Most mornings, he would already be gone by the time I stirred awake, leaving only the scent of him lingering on the sheets. Today, though, is different. His body is flush against mine, his arms wrapped around me in a loving hold. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest and the warmth of his skin against mine are comforting, grounding.

I carefully wiggle out of his grip, doing my best not to wake him. The soreness in my body is a testament to the passion we shared last night. Each movement serves as a sweet reminder of our connection, the love that binds us as tightly as his arms did. With slow, deliberate steps, I make my way to the bathroom, feeling the lingering effects of our night together.

Stepping over our clothes, discarded hastily in the heat of the moment, I notice something glinting on the floor. I kneel to pick it up—it's the business card I was given last night.

Chase Wright.

He had wanted me to design suits for him. As I stare at the card, echoes of the odd conversation I overheard between Devon and Chase reverberate in my mind. Something about a girl who had slept with both of them? Or was it about a girl falling in love with one of them only to fall for the other?

These mysteries from Devon's past swirl in my thoughts, leaving me eager to uncover more. Getting the details from Devon directly seems futile, a task easier said than done. Unless, of course, I seduce him into submission—again.

But first, I need to clean myself. Turning on the shower, I glance into the mirror. The reflection staring back at me showcases the marks Devon left on my body: his fingertips bruised into my hips, love bites dotting my shoulders and the tender skin between my thighs. I smile at the reflection, a visual diary of our love.

As I brush my teeth, I hear the bathroom door creak open. My eyes meet Devon's, exhaustion evident in his gaze, yet something warm and inviting still lingers.

"You should've woken me up. It's always a good idea to shower together to save water, you know?" His voice carries a playful note.

"Save water? Since when do you care about the climate?" I giggle, finding his back turned to the sink where he begins to brush his teeth.

I can't help but admire his toned physique, the way his muscles flex and move under his skin. His strength, his very essence, draws me in, and for a moment, all I can do is marvel at the man who holds my heart.

"I'll try not to be offended by that, darling. You know I participate in multiple charities for the sake of the climate," he replies, turning his head slightly, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"You mean for the sake of your public image?" I tease back, unable to hide my own smile. His eyebrow raises in playful challenge as he glares at me.

"Do you want me to bend you over and warm that ass up?"

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now