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My heart feels like it's lodged in my throat, every beat a loud thud against my rib cage

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My heart feels like it's lodged in my throat, every beat a loud thud against my rib cage. The palms of my hands grow damp with sweat. Devon, sensing my unease, rests a comforting hand on my bare shoulder as we approach his father's house. "Relax, this is good news. What are you nervous about?" he asks, his voice laced with gentle reassurance.

I shrug, feeling the flutter of excitement and nerves warring within me. "I know your dad will be happy about the news. I'm just excited and nervous at the same time," I admit, exhaling deeply.

Devon carries a white gift box. Inside is a custom-made cardigan with "Best Grandpa Ever" emblazoned on the back and a thoughtful mug to match. Devon initially suggested telling his dad over the phone, but I insisted on something special. This is the first grandchild, after all—it deserves to be celebrated in person.

We haven't told anyone else yet, not even Gianina. We decided to start with family and work outward. Devon is set against making a public announcement, preferring to let the world figure it out once I start showing. Fortunately, today provides the perfect opportunity. The entire Enderson family is gathering—Devon's siblings and their partners are all present. It feels like the stars have aligned for this moment.

Taking a steadying breath, we round the corner of the property where Daniel, Devon's father, usually spends his afternoons. As expected, we find him lounging in a chair, legs crossed, a tablet in hand, wearing his reading glasses. He's surrounded by his children, each occupied in their own little world.

The girls—Gianina, Maddie, Marie, and Davina—are huddled in a corner, clearly engrossed in some juicy gossip. The men stand by the small outdoor bar, deep in serious conversation.

"Dad," Devon calls out, breaking the tranquil chatter. Daniel's head snaps up, and as he spots us, a wide smile spreads across his face. Placing the tablet down, he stands and opens his arms.

I return his smile and look at Devon for reassurance before stepping into Daniel's warm embrace. "My favorite daughter-in-law," he greets, his voice filled with cheer.

Pulling back, I giggle, "I'm your only daughter-in-law."

Daniel strokes my hair fondly before turning to Devon. "Son," he acknowledges, Devon hands me the gift box before hugging his father, patting him heartily on the back. "How are you doing, Dad?"

"Good, I'm even better now that you're all here," Daniel replies, his smile reaching his eyes.

As Devon walks over to greet his brothers, I move toward the girls, hugging each of them in turn and chatting briefly about how they have been. I place the gift box on a nearby table and sit beside Marie, trying to relax into the chair.

Devon soon joins me, handing me a glass of orange juice. "Thank you," I murmur, taking a sip to steady my nerves.

Suddenly, Davina lets out a loud gasp, startling me. "Brother! You have grey hair!" she exclaims, her eyes wide in mock horror. Devon squeezes my covered thigh reassuringly, though his grin betrays his amusement.

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