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Something has been awfully wrong with Evelina lately

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Something has been awfully wrong with Evelina lately. At the beginning, I thought it was the stress from fashion week, but now it feels like she is avoiding me. She has been so distant.

Or is it all in my head?

I've been busy myself with the 'Chase' situation. He is officially a member of the board and owns Heartstrong's shares. Claire Heartstrong reached out and apologized about the situation, saying that her sons made the decision without consulting her on the matter.

In the beginning, I wanted to kill everyone who made this possible. I wanted to blame someone, and I blamed myself. I thought I should've offered more money to the Heartstrongs for the shares.

Jack said at the time, "It wouldn't have been worth it; you gave the perfect offer. It'd be ridiculous to pay more; those shares are even worth less than the offer you gave."

Chase only did this to piss me off. I know how this story works; he gets off by intimidating and messing with my work, but I won't let him get to me.

The less attention I give him, the faster he leaves the company and sells the shares back to me. I should never entertain him.

It's not the first time a 'Chase' appears and tries to mess with me, but this is different. Having Chase Wright in the flesh here in London, working with me, attending all the events I attend, and being near my wife.

It's driving me nuts.

Just the thought of him socializing with her makes me want to kill him with my bare hands. I'll never forget his hands on her that night at her parent's house when they danced together.

Don't let him get to you.

I eat dinner alone for the fifth time this week. Evelina usually waits to have dinner with me. However, lately, she started having dinner before me and would even fall asleep before I made it home.

Helena sits with me for dinner, and Storm is curled around my feet underneath the table. I ask her, "Have you spoken to Evelina this week? Have you talked about anything?"

She sighs and nods. "Well, she seems upset about the Heather situation."

Heather situation?

"What Heather situation?"

Surprise takes over her features. "She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"She met with Heather last week. The model that was supposed to open the show got injured, and so the modeling agency offered to let Heather open the show," Helena explains, sipping her cham tea.

Why wouldn't she tell me that?

"And Heather is going to walk the show?"

Helena nods, and I put my fork down on the table. I don't feel like eating anymore. My brain can't comprehend why Evelina didn't tell me about that. She tells me everything.

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