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Sitting in the backseat of the car, I tap my fingers on the tinted windows waiting for Devon to come back to the car

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Sitting in the backseat of the car, I tap my fingers on the tinted windows waiting for Devon to come back to the car. Peter had picked us up and Devon told him to make a stop somewhere and he has been gone for almost fifteen minutes now. I wonder what's taking him so long, I'm starting to get bored.

The passenger door suddenly opens giving me a mini heart attack and Devon steps into the car with a small sized plastic bag in his hand. "What's that?" I ask as he closes the door and the car starts driving.

"You really want to know?".

I nod and he hands me the bag, I immediately fumble to see what's inside it I pull out something black with the shape of an egg, wrapping my fingers around it to feel it's texture and it almost feels like latex.

"What's this?" I ask him and he grins taking it from my hand he answers "A little bit of fun, now lift your dress for me love".

I feel a bit uneasy about what's about to happen, but I trust Devon with my life. I pull my dress up revealing my black lace thong "Take it off and get on my lap your back to my chest" he orders.

Sliding off my panties, I kick them off with my heels and proceed to crawl over Devon's lab. He wraps his hands around my waist and I rest my head over shoulder "Are you comfortable?" He asks kissing the side of my neck.

"Yeah" I breathe holding onto his thighs beneath me.

"Open your legs and keep your dress lifted" I spread my legs over his thighs pulling my dress to my waist. He lowers his hands and I hold my breathe lifting my chin in anticipation. His fingers dust through my pussy lips and I see trace of a smile across his face, he feels how wet I am and his eyes close.

He tips his head back and swears "Fuck, you are so wet,".

His thumb starts gliding back and forth over my clit, he pushes a finger inside me and I clench around it. I turn my head to the side to have a good look on his face and he looks at me.

Our eyes lock as he slides two fingers deep inside me. He slides them all the way in, and then all the way out coating his fingers with my wetness. I feel the burn of the stretch as he adds a third fingers "Devon!" I moan.

"Yes dear?".

"I fucking despise you," I whisper when he stops moving his fingers "This orgasm is mine and I'll claim it when I want to," he says and starts pumping me hard and deep I have to bite my lip to not scream. I squirm in his grip trying to get some relief.

I lift my pelvis off of his lap as I feel my orgasm approaching and I start to beg "Please give it to me,"

Give it to me. I chant the words like a prayer over and over again. He rides me hard until my vision blurs "That's it darling give me some cream loosen up for my cock,"

I throw my head back as the climax rips my body apart, I close my eyes and shudder, contracting around his fingers. I open my eyes and our eyes meet "You can give me another one," he says pulling his hands out and holding the egg shaped thing.

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now